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Pretty in Pink Party Outfit Picks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

This Wednesday, October 21st, it’s time for our Pretty in Pink Party. We know we’ll see you all there! The dress code is pretty obvious of course, , but if you’re still unsure how to apply this in your outfit I might have some ideas for you.


The sweater: Whether you wear it on white pants or distressed jeans, you always look good in a cute pink sweater. (Like this one!)

The blazer: Combine it with a striped shirt and you’re gold! Actually, any kind of shirt works with this cutie. (Try this one here!)

The skinny jeans: Go all Cameron Diaz and wear cute pink skinny jeans! (If you don’t have these in your wardrobe yet, you can find similar ones here!)


The dress: You can never go wrong with a cute casual pink dress. (If you are having trouble finding the right dress, look at this one!)

The cardigan: Even something as simple as a pink cardigan can be a perfect look for this party! (Try this cute one here!)


The blouse: Perfect to wear on jeans! (If you don’t have one yet, get a similar one here!)

The tank top: Combine this cutie with some jeans and a cardigan and you got yourself a prefect Pretty in Pink look! (What about this one for you?)


We’ll see you all tomorrow. Don’t forget; On Wednesdays we wear pink!

Journalism student in Boston / Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Suffolk. I'm into politics, pop music, and parks. I tweet about TV and lipstick. @nikkimfell