Name: Cameron Rumrill
Graduation Year: December 2017
Major: Public Relations w/ minor in Sociology (conc. Health & Society)
Hometown: Somerville, Massachusetts
Astrological Sign: (I love how this is a question) Capricorn!
Favorite Color: light ocean blue
Tell me about what you are doing with the syllabus.
•   I am currently working with Professor Amy Agigian and students on campus to include with a mandatory (the school hates the word mandatory but I believe it should be mandatory!!) section on the syllabus that will include a section on gender-neutral pronouns. By doing this, I hope it will open a safer space and create more of a dialogue for genderqueer/non-binary/trans students throughout campus and further. I have not finalized the wording, but something along the lines of “Gender Neutral Pronouns: If you are a student with gender pronouns that differ from what I may think, I encourage you to reach out to me via email or in class and I will create a safer space for you and others.” The main reason I’m doing this is because I hope this section will not only enhance the students courage to say something, but also educate the staff and student peers about this issue of misgendering someone.
What steps did you have to take to get to this point?
•   First I emailed my history professor I had last semester. This idea started by an assignment he gave for a proposition change to the university having to do with any subject. Beginning as just assignment, I reached out to him this semester asking if this is something I can actually do. He emailed my idea to the provost of the university and he told me it is something the university has considered, but never went through with. After telling the provost about my idea, he said he will meet with me as soon I have completed my research/work. So far I have interviewed fellow students on campus, some professors/staff, and friends of mine who identify as genderqueer with their opinion on this topic and the importance of this. I am finishing my work and hope to meet with him soon!
Why are you passionate about this topic?
•   As a member of the LGBTQ community, I feel like this topic is ignored and yet very important for those who identify as genderqueer/non-binary/trans. While hanging out a couple months ago with my best friend Joon, they mentioned to me that they identify as genderqueer and now their pronouns will be they/them/theirs. Having known Joon for some time before this, I struggled with correctly gendering them. But as time passed, not only have I seen the importance of this, but I have witnessed first hand the feeling of misgendering a person, and the implications it has on them. I am passionate about this topic because I think it is crucial to myself, others in the LGBTQ community, and those who are not familiar with this to be educated and aware. It is literally how they are identified. I truly just want everyone to feel accepted, and this is just one step in which I hope I can help.
What are you hoping comes from this?
•   I am hoping that the inclusion of this on all syllabi will simply create a safer space for my community and create conversation in an open and welcoming environment. Who knows, it might have no weight on those who identify and they will not even act upon this. It is a scary topic to introduce to many people who don’t understand especially in a classroom atmosphere. But no matter the end result, I am happy to use any chance I get to help.
What kind of activities do you like to do outside of school?
•   I like to say I do a lot more than I actually do, but hanging around with good friends, creating memories, reading a good book, going on a run, the gym, spending time with my dog Shadow and snake Kesha, napping, cooking with my mom, and that’s about it. :)
Who would play you in a movie about your life and why?
•   Wow I’ve never thought about this question but I would honestly say Emma Stone. There was a scene in Easy A where she was singing in the shower to “Pocket Full of Sunshine” By Natasha Bedingfield and it really resonated with me.
What is your favorite thing about Suffolk?
•   The diversity and going to school right in the heart of Boston.