Beginning tomorrow, 12:00 PM every Monday will have a whole new meaning for you. In a matter of weeks you will be “tapping it back” in your sleep, and in a matter of months you will have gained some soul (hopefully some great legs, too). SoulCycle, a spin class that started in New York City, and has taken the fitness world by storm. On March 5th, Soul Cycle will open it’s studio doors in Chestnut Hill.
Entering the world of SoulCycle is like entering a cult. The yellow lemon wheel logo boldly stands out against white walls that are plastered with inspiring words. Once inside, the chances of leaving and never returning are slim to none. As if the racks of Nike and Lulu attire aren’t enough, riders are also greeted with SmartWater (the blue seal tabs are even removed for you), an assortment of Orbit gum flavors, and spare hair ties. Although entering the studio itself is rather intimidating, it is also entirely liberating after you ignore the rock solid arms, lean legs, and washboard abs of your instructor. Once you’re on the saddle, there’s no going back. The world of SoulCycle gives you a high-speed, candlelit, full body workout, accompanied by blaring remixes of everyone’s favorite songs created by the instructors. It is truly a unique experience that will make anyone second guess any other spin class they’ve ever taken.
SoulCycle came about when two fitness ambitious women decided to open an indoor cycling studio that had full body workouts emphasized on a spiritual component. After finding a space on 72nd Street in Manhattan listed on Craigslist, the rest was history. Since the opening in early 2006, SoulCycle has established more than 17 studios around New York City, Los Angeles, and surrounding suburbs. Now SoulCycle has finally decided to branch out into Boston, starting with the location in Chestnut Hill. Come tomorrow, all 55 bikes in the studio will be open to new spinners to get in touch with their spirituality and SOUL.
While the price for a single class is $34, and not relatively cheap, first time “soul-ers’ pay only $20, and riding shoes are always offered. After just one class you will be cultivated into the SOUL community; wearing the yellow lemon wheel on your shirt like a badge of honor, and you will be looking at your instructor like he/she is a God up on that podium.
Check out the SoulCycle website; meet instructors, browse their playlists, perhaps even purchase one of those over-expensive-but-necessary tank tops, and spin on, Boston, spin on.