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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Name:Tyler Peter LeBlanc
Birthday:December 29, 1992
Relationship Status:Single
College:Suffolk University
Hometown:Peabody, MA
Favorite Movie:This is such a hard question, only because I love tons of movies, so I am going to have to pick two. Caddy Shack and The Hangover.
Favorite Food:I’m half Greek, and my mother makes this Greek soup that I’ve loved forever called Xilopetas.
Hobbies:I’m into extreme sports, my favorite out of all of them is probably Barefoot Water skiing (water skiing on my feet). If you’re still confused go on YouTube and check it out. I also love to wakeboard, snowmobile, rock climb, and work on my truck.
Favorite part about going to school in Boston: My favorite parts are the people and that there is so much to do. I love meeting new people and keeping busy. Boston has so much to offer, and I just love being surrounded by so many people and fun places.
Favorite Travel Destination:I would have to say my lake house in New Hampshire, its heaven on Earth for me, and I love it more than anywhere else.
Funniest thing to have happened to me this week:It was my birthday recently and I went to Hooters with my friends, the Hooters girls made me dance on a chair and say “It’s my birthday!” It was embarrassing, but I’ll admit, it was funny.
Last time I cried:A couple months ago, lets not go there.
Coke or Pepsi:Neither, I’ve never drank soda.
Things I cant live without:My truck, my family, my best friends, television, showers, the lake
What do I like most about Suffolk girls:I love how beautiful, funny, smart, and friendly all the Suffolk girls are. Especially all the girls I’m friends with at 150.
First thing I notice in a girl:I notice a few things, all at once; smile, eyes, and how friendly they are with me right away.
Biggest turn on:When a girl is confident, but not so confident that she comes across as cocky. Also, when a girl is dressed up (classy) when she’s out or when we are on a date.
Biggest turn off:When I am on a date and a girl is on her phone the entire time. I’m here making the effort and want to get to know you, not get to know the top of your head because your face is buried in your phone.

Mackenzie's the name, Campus Correspondant for Suffolk is my game.