I don’t know about you, but I love watching documentaries. My ideal Friday night is spent in bed watching a documentary about literally anything. In honor of Women’s History Month, I figured I’d share some of the best feminist/women’s empowerment documentaries out there right now. Enjoy!
Ladies First
Ladies First follows the story of Deepika Kumari as she becomes the world’s best female archer at just 18 years old. Born in a poverty-ridden rural Indian town with limited women’s rights, Kumari rose up to do the unthinkable. Watch the trailer here and follow her inspiring story on Netflix.
Unlike On the Basis of Sex, a drama released earlier this year based on a famous case of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, RBG documents the life and specific legal battles fought by Ginsburg. The film portrays her as a rockstar of our generation (Gloria Steinem calling her “my superhero”) and explores how she came to hold such a prestigious spot in the U.S. Supreme Court. The documentary can be found on Hulu and the trailer can be found here.
Seeing Allred
Gloria Allred is a women’s rights attorney that has worked for years to protect women across the nation. Referred to as “a warrior for change” and a “lightning rod for controversy,” Allred has been involved in a number of big-name cases, like O.J Simpson and Bill Cosby. Seeing Allred documents her journey through multiple legal battles and how she overcame sexism in society. Trailer here, movie on Netflix.
Period. End of Sentence.
This short documentary explores menstruation in rural India, where most women don’t even know what a sanitary napkin is. The film follows the journey of a few women who fight to get rid of the stigma surrounding periods and start their own business making pads for other women in their village. It can be found on Netflix, check out the trailer here.
These documentaries and a plethora of others out there are made to inspire and empower women all over the world. There’s no better way to spend the end of Women’s History Month!