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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

A good percentage of college students never have to deal with sleeping on bunk beds. Personally, I never thought that I would be forced to sleep on the top bunk… ever. But, it honestly wasn’t the worst experience, and now that I’m on the bottom bunk I can share some really scientific pros and cons of sleeping on the top bunk.

Pro 1: Warm air rises

As a permanently cold person, sleeping on the top bunk meant that as long as the heater was on, I was always warm. It was glorious. Of course, this is a con for people like my roommate who are always warm and therefore feels like she’s dying when the heat is on. Either way, the top bunk is warm.

Con 1: Could fall to your death

Okay, you probably wouldn’t actually die, but it’s a lot more likely that you would hurt yourself if you fell off of the top bunk compared to the bottom bunk. Also, since you have to climb down the side of the bed, slipping and falling is another possible fate of the top bunkers.

Pro 2: Not waking up because of the person on the bottom bunk

When sleeping on the bottom bunk, the person on the top bunk kind of determines what time you wake up. Not that it’s their fault, but climbing out of a bed does make a lot of noise. Therefore, if you sleep on the top bunk, it’s more likely that you’ll accidentally wake up the other person, but they probably won’t wake you.

Con 2: It’s difficult to sit up

I don’t have this problem because I’m too short, but I’ve been told that any normal-heighted person has trouble sitting up on the top bunk without hitting their head. I can imagine that this hurts, especially if you’re not expecting it (I don’t know who would do it on purpose, but whatever).


Be careful my top-bunk-ians. Bottom bunk people should remember how lucky they are to not sleep on the top bunk. Why this turned into a motivational speech, I don’t know. Actually, just don’t have bunk beds unless you absolutely have to. That solves all of your problems.

Senior Publishing and Editing and Philosophy double major.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University