1. You can appreciate the beauty of campus
Now that the weather is no longer below freezing and you don’t have to rush from class to class, you can appreciate our beautiful campus.
2. You can spend time outdoors with friends
Those lawn chairs are just calling your name
3. Your’re in a better mood
According to a University of Michigan study, people who spend at least 30 minutes outside in good weather have a better mindset and are less stressed.
4. The possibility of having class outside
While this is very unlikely (depending on your professor), what would be better than having class discussions while basking in the sun?
5. The activities
Spring may just be one of our busiest semesters. So far we have already had two concerts and the Latino Symposium. Next we have Spring Weekend to look forward to as well as Greek Week.
6. It’s almost summer
While the end of the school year may be bittersweet for some, this summer will be full of adventures