While all seasons have their perks, there’s just something about the transition to fall that seems exciting and refreshing. No longer are the hot days where you’re sweating and swatting at bugs to stay away from you. You can witness the atmosphere around you change beautifully, and that sparks joy, even if it’s just a little hint. Autumn feels like a needed reset and is a time of transformation, and here are three reasons why fall is the superior season.
- Cooler Weather
While some people bask in the sun and humid temperatures of ninety degrees, I sit in the air conditioning in disbelief that people can function in such a warm climate. Not to mention in summer, you get sweaty just from going outside. I much prefer the cooler, chillier weather that comes with fall. There’s nothing better than going for a brisk walk as you feel the light wind graze your skin. Autumn is perfect because it’s not too warm yet it’s not too cold, it’s a nice middle.
- The Beauty of Nature
One can’t deny that fall is a truly mesmerizing time of year. It feels so mysterious yet beautiful to see leaves morph into wondrous displays of red, orange, and yellow. The only time to see nature in those vivid colors is during fall. Autumn marks a time of transformation and change as nature prepares for winter.
- The Fashion
The fashion of fall is one that reigns supreme. Flannels, boots, and cozy sweaters are absolute must-haves for the cooler temperatures. You can also wear comfortable cardigans, all kinds of jackets, and beanies that complete almost any outfit. Perhaps one of the most recognizable prints of fall is plaid, which I adore. I also love the bolder, darker colors inlcuding burgundy, olive green, navy blue, plum, and burnt orange, which are all unique colors that fit perfectly with the aesthetic of fall. The fashion is comfy yet cute at the same time. You can start to wear long sleeves and jackets again without feeling overheated. But you can also wear your summer clothes; they just might have to be layered. For example, you can pair a summer t-shirt with a jean jacket or blazer. You could also wear a t-shirt from summer with an orange scarf and tan sweater in order to have that fall flair.
Whether you’re picking pumpkins in the pumpkin patch this autumn or buying fresh honey crisp apples from the local farmer’s market, take a moment to look around and reflect on how lucky we are to have a change of season. Happy fall!