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What Your Favorite Early Gen Pokemon Starter Says About You

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

The best part about Pokemon is not the battles, gym leaders, or the new gimmicks that riddle every new game, it’s the Pokemon! You start every journey with a hard decision: which of the three cute starters will you take with you on your journey? Fire, Water, or Grass are the three elements encaptured by these little cuties. The early generations hold such a place in every fan’s heart, and we all have a favorite. Here’s what yours says about you!

Charmander (Kanto)

If Charmander is your favorite, you like the mainstream. You always argue that it’s for nostalgia, but really you just think that Charmander is cool. You don’t mind being called basic and saying that things are mainstream for a reason. If this is your favorite starter, this is probably also your favorite Pokemon. Embrace it, but we both know you probably already do!

Squirtle (Kanto)

Listen, being a little immature is okay sometimes. You love a good dick joke and end every sentence with, “That’s what your mom said last night!”. You find it difficult to separate your childlike whimsy from everyday conversation and have issues with people being able to take a joke. Maybe try to read the room, because it can be extremely off-putting.

Bulbasaur (Kanto)

You hang onto the past, no matter how much you need to move on. No matter what, you remember the joy of owning your first game and have been chasing the same high ever since. You miss the happiness and freedom of the early gens and complain that the newer generations are too complicated. Listen, something new isn’t bad, so don’t shut yourself off to new adventures.

Eevee (Kanto)

You embrace change, whether it’s hair, clothes, personality, etc. You hate making plans and would rather go with the flow. Your friends love your outgoingness even when it gets maybe a little too out of hand. Lastly, you’re desperate for a new evolution to the point that you are delusional and the hints are pointing to one in every single game. Make sure in all that exploration, your heart remains.

Pikachu (Kanto)

Similar to Squirtle and Charmander fans, you saw the mascot and believed that was the best Pokemon. When it switched over, you were devastated and created a Change.org petition to reverse the decision. If you put that heart into your work, you could make a real change. It’s time to move on and find your next journey, or maybe just obsess over one of the millions of Pikachu clones.

Chikorita (Johto)

You couldn’t care less about appearances. You are a true never judges a book by its cover person, you go based on personality and true character. You saw who Chikorita becomes and thought ‘Hey, that’s still my little buddy!’. Despite everything, you are loyal to those you love, because you care so deeply about the people who have stuck by you. Hopefully, you have another Chikorita fan to support you.

Totodile (Johto)

The underdog and all your hard work often goes without reward. It doesn’t stop you because you don’t need the recognition. When you finally get the recognition you deserve, like being a starter in a legends game, you handle it with grace. You are humble and it’s admirable, truly. Don’t let your humbleness get in the way of owning your successes. You deserved that win!

Cyndaquil (Johto)

You’ve had a hard year, haven’t you? With the leaks coming out, you were faced with the harsh reality that your favorite might not be the best person. You’ve had a lot of bad times, and you’ve built up a bunch of walls to cope. You’ve been so sure of yourself for so long, but maybe it’s time to reflect and accept that people change. Maybe it’s time to also explore other options, maybe look at Fuecoco.

Torchic (Hoenn)

You think you are such a trendsetter, but really you fall into the same patterns everyone else does. You hopped on BeReal thinking it was the next big thing, try every hip restaurant you hear about, and you swear you were a fan before they got famous. Seeing how much you try to be different, makes you more conformist. Follow your true passions, and you might find that what’s different or popular isn’t actually you.

Mudkip (Hoenn) 

You are so sweet until someone messes with you. Your demeanor to many may seem sweet on the outside, but you are cold and stern on the inside. Like Mudkip, you are the embodiment of ‘looks like a cinnamon roll, but will kill’. You have so much power, that you choose not to use, like the MCU’s version of the Hulk. Don’t be scared to use that power for good.

Treecko (Hoenn)

You’re super chill and maybe for a reason that I can’t put in this article. You would rather hang out in your room alone than go out and hang out with people. When you do though, you are super fun and know all the coolest spots to hang out. You also love being one of the few people to say this is your favorite starter.

Piplup (Sinnoh)

There are only two options: you are, to put it lightly, a little dumb sometimes, or found the anime during this era and loved Dawn. You probably also love Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls or Mabel Pines in Gravity Falls; you just like bright happy characters. You collect a bunch of stuffed animals and treat them like your babies, and you cry when you have to give one up. You are just a ray of sunshine.

Turtwig (Sinnoh)

You love Earth Day and believe in Mother Nature to an alarming degree. You always find a way to bring the climate crisis into the conversation, but you are the person who packs the picnic, has the best healthy snacks, or just the best sunny spot to relax. While you love hikes or trips to the lake, you also drive a 2005 Toyota that leaks oil. Your hypocrisy keeps you in check and proves to everyone that you aren’t perfect (because you seem perfect to everyone around you).

Chimchar (Sinnoh)

Of all the earlier starters, this one shows you are the most practical and type-A personality. You saw the lack of fire types to use and purposely picked this one. You are an over-planner and have your days planned to the second. You have two million planners for a different aspect of your life, like lunch dates, school assignments, club involvements, etc. Take a deep breath and make sure you relax.

Tepig (Unova)

You definitely peaked in high school, you were involved with so many sports growing up. Now, you drive a pickup truck and love WWE (the John Cena switch-up was such a shock to you). Falling into the tough guy mentality, you never truly gave people a chance or let anyone in, now you struggle to do it in college. Don’t be afraid to let people in, and you will finally feel true acceptance.

Snivy (Unova)

Two words: stuck up, and you don’t care. You are fine thinking you’re the best, and you own it. You have expensive tastes whether it be food or clothing. You would think your friends would be annoyed by the amount every outing costs, but you make sure to cover the cost to make sure they can experience the finer things in life.

Oshawott (Unova)

A short temper is your middle name, and you saw that on your screen child and felt seen. You felt a deep connection to this character when you saw it getting a new form in a Legends series, you were elated. You were then sadly disappointed when it was the least-talked-about of all the forms. Your emotions are like a rollercoaster. Learn to control them, and maybe you’ll have one less hole in your wall.

Haley Lynch is a senior at Susquehanna University and acts as the President and Campus Correspondnt for HerCampus at Susqu. She covers topics ranging from pop culture to more serious topics that affect everyday students. Her work uses pop culture to understand deeper-rooted issues in society. Originally from Maryland, this is her second year at Susquehanna and she previously attended a different university in South Carolina. Since being at Susquehanna, Haley has done many things in varying roles and levels besides HerCampus. From executive roles with the Sex Ed club on campus to editor at Her Campus, she has kept herself very busy and on the go. All this is on top of creating her own art on the side. In her free time, you can catch Haley either watching Dance Moms (Team Chloe!) or picking up a new hobby. You might catch her dancing around her room listening to Chappell Roan or Boy Genius with her cat, Atlas, or sitting outside writing poems or stories. If you want to make a fast friend, simply reference Taylor Swift or ask her how the kids she babysits are doing and you will have won her heart.