SU’s University Union is best known for it’s big-name concerts like Juice Jam and Block Party, but the organization works to schedule more frequent events to keep students entertained all year long. UU screens popular and new-release movies just every weekend and even pre-screens films like Pitch Perfect once a year to give students a sneak peek of upcoming releases. If you’re like me and don’t have a car on campus, you know how much of a pain it is to coordinate a ride to Destiny USA to see a movie. UU shows films on main campus at HBC and on south campus at Goldstein, so transportation is never an issue. These events are a great option for those who need a night off from partying or for students who would rather just stay in. Best of all, every film screening is absolutely free. Check out their website and follow @UUInsider on Twitter to learn about this weekend’s movie selection and other upcoming events.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.