So I’ve really gotten into podcasts since I started college. The fictional kinds that follow a plot line over a series of time, and it has all but ruined my life. Thankfully, I have the internet to help me cope with my addiction, but how do you know when you actually have a problem?
1. You tell what day it is by what podcasts come out.
The first and the fifteenth of each month are very important dates for me. Don’t expect me to do anything because those are the days Welcome to Night Vale and King Falls AM update and I guarantee you I am curled up in bed in a very emotional state.
2. Hiatuses are the most bittersweet times
Because it either means you’re going to relisten to the entire podcast from the start, so you can relive every emotion all over again. OR you’ll start another podcast because of that Tumblr masterpost and you already listened to one episode and it was just SO GOOD. Once podcasts come back, I always have to emotionally prepare myself.
3. Getting noticed by any member of the cast or even the writers/creators is by far the highlight of your life
The day @makebelieveKyle (the wonderful creator of King Falls AM) followed me on Twitter and Instagram was the greatest day of my life. Kyle, if you see this.. hi!
4. You relate characters in the podcasts to people in your everyday life
I don’t care if I spiritually identify to the female villains in Kakos Industries and Welcome to Night Vale, they are strong and sassy and I love them. Or, subsequently, when you get your friend to listen to a podcast and a character’s voice comes on and you’re just like, “that’s you”.
5. Becoming emotionally attached to said characters proves to be destructive to your life
Hi my name is Alexandra and I refer to fictional characters (and their voice actors) as my children without shame; AND THEY DON’T DESERVE ANY OF THE BAD THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO THEM!!
6. You try to get your friends/family into the podcasts you listen to.
Yes, excellent, join me in suffering through biweekly (or bimonthly) pain in the heart. To show appreciation, please join me in the trash can by cosplaying with me at the next liveshow that comes to Tampa.
7. You consult your tumblr account to find people who understand what you’re feeling
Remember that time the entire Wolf 359 fandom came together and lived in a state of constant denial the Doug Eiffel was still alive after being jettisoned into space for over 100 days? Ha. Haha.
8. You listen to them more than you do actual music on your phone
Walking to class? Podcast. Eating food alone in the cafe? Podcast. Doing homework? Podcast. Writing this article? You guessed it, podcast.
9. They give you a broader taste in music
Who knew a weather report could be so catchy?
10. You show no sign of slowing down any time soon