1) When reality hits:
I love art, especially finding commonalities between art and science. As a Bio Pre-Med major, I took to drawing in order to better understand subjects, such as biology and anatomy. I have notebooks filled with anatomical sketches that I drew from images on books, and I though they represented an accurate depiction of my abilities as an artist. I was wrong. Drawing from an image and drawing from a still-life are two completely different approaches. I was completely taken aback by how little I knew about how to create art from a real-life object.
2) The Challenge:
After realizing that I wasn’t all that, I began to see drawing as a representation of the objects through observation and line-making, rather than an image or thought that I already have in my mind. It was difficult to draw the objects as they were and not the general idea that we all have. My first classes made me feel a bit uncomfortable and doubtful of my abilities, but it’s the vulnerability that made me a better artist.
3) The Growth:
When you make yourself become vulnerable in order to experience something new, you’re bound to grow. Not only have I learned how to become a better artist and ventured into different areas of art, but I also learned a lot about myself. I learned that I am capable of achieving more than I thought, and that despite all of my insecurities, I am an artist. Each class and new course makes me better, and I am very thankful for that.
4) The Feeling of Accomplishment:
Trying to finish a ten-object still life is a grueling process because it’s essentially an endless one. You can always add, erase, or tweak some sort of imperfection. You have to decide whether or not your work is good enough, be your critic, and have discipline and dedication. Being in the art studio for six hours isn’t fun, but it builds character. Once I am done with any of my pieces, I take a few steps back, look at it, and think to myself “Hmm… I didn’t think I could actually make this work, but I did.” Then, that sense of accomplishment makes me feel entitled to binge watching a whole season of New Girl.
Whether you like art or not, try to challenge yourself by any one of your hobbies. I highly recommend it.