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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

If you’re like me, and you love to find cheap, natural, innovative ways to pamper yourself, than this article is for you. During my teenage years, I’ve accumulated five go-to actions I do to show my body some love after a stressful week as a college student. Try these out and see if they work for you!


1. Loco for Coco

Known for its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil can be used for almost anything. I use it to maintain good oral hygiene and whiten my teeth.“Oil pulling” (the official name for it) can reduce plaque and ultimately lead to whiter healthier teeth if done religiously. Extra Virgin coconut oil works best by swishing about a tablespoon of it in your mouth after you brush your teeth.Just rinse it out and you’re ready to go.




2. Ice It

Before you step out of a hot shower, rinse yourself with cold water. This increases circulation and closes your pores. Your hair follicles open up with the steam of your shower, just like the pores on your face and body do. A cold rinse at the end of your shower will not only close your pores and retain moisture but it will also increase circulation, which helps your hair grow faster and stronger. I also used to grab and ice cube, wrap it in a paper towel and rub it all over my face to minimize my pores and avoid excess oil in my skin.



3. Lip Scrubs

If your lips ever get chapped just grab some sugar, honey, and oil. Stir it until it has a paste-like texture, and apply it to your lips. Scrub gently with a new clean toothbrush and then rinse. If you don’t have any sugar, oil, or honey, take an old mascara brush, clean it thoroughly and run it across your lips gently in a circular motion.



4. A Twist On Brushing

I know this doesn’t apply to everyone (I see you my curly-haired beauties), but if you do brush your hair here are some things to know. First of all, make sure you have a hairbrush that fits your hair type. Personally, thick comb hairbrushes work best. Start by detangling your ends to avoid breaking them and then work your way up. Once your hair is fully detangled keep brushing through it a few more times to spread those natural oils that make your hair shiny and healthy.




5. Coffee For The Skin

There is a use for the extra coffee grounds that come from making your cup of Joe in the morning. Use it as a body scrub! It’s a great exfoliator and can reduce the appearance of cellulite and puffy eyes.If you get your coffee on the go and still want to try this out, Frank Body has great scrubs. If you’re more of a tea drinker, the used tea bags can reduce puffy eyes too if you place them on your eyes for a few minutes.




Claudia is a sophomore at The University of Tampa. As a Bio major on the Pre-Med track she's got her head buried in books most of the time. When she's not studying Darwin's theory of evolution and calculating the yield of chemical reactions she loves to do anatomical sketches, take pictures for her IG, write short stories and get involved in as much volunteer work as she can. Being Puerto Rican she's got a lot of drive and passion that she puts towards her goal of becoming a Neonatal surgeon.
Caity Berk, Former Campus Correspondents, is a current Senior at the University of Tampa, studying Marine Science & Biology with a minor in Environmental Sciences. She loves onion rings, dark chocolate, and empowering women. When she finally decides to grow up, Caity wants to work with people and help them understand the importance of the natural resources that surround us