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5 Tips for an All Fun & No Frights Halloween in College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Spooky season is coming to an end… because Halloween is finally here! Wearing costumes, going out, and watching scary movies are all part of making amazing memories on Halloween. But more importantly, staying safe, especially as a college student, and having unforgettable fun is a must. I wanted to share five Halloween tips for a fun, affordable, and safe Halloween.

  1. Affordable Costumes

Usually, Halloween isn’t just one night in college. The celebration is usually the weekend before or after, called “Halloweekend.” This year’s “Halloweekend” is the weekend before because Halloween falls on a Tuesday. This means that people are likely to get at least two costumes for multiple nights or if they can’t decide on just one. To afford more than one costume, I highly recommend using a clothing item you already own as a staple costume piece. Have a cute red dress? Buy a cheap devil headband from Party City or Amazon, and you’re set. Have a black top and pink skirt? Throw your hair into a slicked-back bun, and you’re a ballerina! You could even ask to borrow something from a roommate that you think could turn into a costume! If you look through your closet, you’d be surprised how many costumes you can make out of items you already own, and you will save a lot of money.

  1. Create a “Halloweekend” Plan

Before the weekend, establish a plan with your friends. This includes when you’re getting ready into costume, where you’re meeting, where you’re going, and where and how everyone will get home. This is super vital for a successful Halloween. The night will only go well if everyone gets home safely. Share your location with your friends, have your phone charged, and keep in touch with each other. Nothing is worse than someone getting lost at any large event, especially when you can’t identify people in costumes. Keep your belongings, especially your phone, protected and nearby so you don’t lose anything important! Keeping an eye on each other and keeping in touch will help you and your friends have a perfect night!

  1. Decorate Your Space

The best way to get into the Halloween spirit is to have a decorated living space. Whether it be pumpkins or cute throw pillows, seasonal decorations will get you in the spirit. This is a must-do activity for students who are far away from home and miss the feeling of Halloween in their hometown. I know I miss the fall’s cold chill, trick-or-treating, and the colorful fall leaves from Halloween as a kid, and so do a lot of people from colder states. It’s hard for it to feel like fall living in Florida now, but having pumpkins, Halloween-colored items, and other fall decorations makes it feel like the spooky season. You could find affordable decorations at a dollar store, Walmart, and even the Target Dollar Spot. Plus, you could even get creative and make your own decorations!

  1. Halloween Baking Night

This is the perfect activity for staying in. Gather your friends, and require everyone to bring one Halloween dessert to the hangout. If everyone brings a dessert, you’ll have an array of delicious options, and you can take cute pictures of and with the desserts. You could even turn this into a costume party! Some recipe ideas include decorating Rice Krispie Treats with Halloween-colored icing, dying and decorating cupcakes or a cake with Halloween colors, Halloween cake pops, and more! There are a lot of ideas on TikTok and many opportunities to create something within a budget. The possibilities are endless!

  1. Don’t Fall Behind on Homework

No one likes to think about homework on Halloween or “Halloweekend.” Even worse, you could miss an assignment and do poorly because you got so distracted by the holiday. It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the costume choosing and plans that schoolwork can slip right past you. Before the weekend, I highly recommend doing any work that is due by the end of the week and completing work that’s due Sunday or Monday morning. You don’t want to be cramming in work after a fun-filled weekend. Getting sleep is important, and rushing homework is not a great idea. If you get it all done before the weekend, you can kick back, focus on the holiday, and do fun spooky season activities!

Please be careful and aware of your surroundings, and keep an eye out for your friends this Halloween. End the night on a good note, and don’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing! Most importantly, have fun, take lots and lots of pictures, and make this Halloween unforgettable!

Mya Cocchiola is a senior at The University of Tampa and is part of the editing team for Her Campus at Tampa chapter. Her articles are mainly about experiences, wellness, academics, and relationships. This school year, Mya is interning as a Marketing Assistant at Foodie Card, a subscription-based program that provides discounts while eating out and donates meals. She also works at Jeni’s Ice Cream! She is an Advertising and Public Relations major with a concentration in PR and is considering pursuing a marketing career or even law school. At home in New York, Mya has 2 Labradors and loves spending time with her sisters, parents, and friends. In Tampa, she loves to go to the beach, get coffee, and work out with her friends. She also just finished watching the Breaking Bad trilogy!