There’s no one in the world as wonderful as my mom. She’s the Claire Dunphy to my Haley and Alex, the Kim to my Northwest, and the Lorelai to my Rory…
1. She’s my favorite person in the world
My mom is my favorite person to be around, enough said. There’s nobody I would rather spend my time with. There’s no hugs like my moms hugs!
2. She loves me unconditionally
My mom forgives me for all of my mistakes. She understood when I failed my first college assignment or got back together with that idiot guy in high school. There’s nothing I could do that would make her love me less.
3. She’s silly with me
My mom is my go-to for a fun time. She sings obnoxiously with me in the car, and lets me dance around public places. She makes pringle beaks with me and laughs at my dumb jokes. People wonder where I get my crazy…
4. She supports me and wants me to succeed
My mom was never one to tell me I couldn’t do something. She worked hard to get me to college and talked me through my stupidest ideas for a major. Even through it all, she doesn’t care as long as I succeed.
5. She keeps me connected to home
Being from Connecticut and over 1000 miles from home is not easy. My mom has a way of knowing when I’m home sick and sends me the cutest care packages to cheer me up!
6. She makes me happy when I’m sad
She’ll come cuddle me in my bed when I’m upset about even the smallest things. My mom will do everything in her power to make me smile when I’m down.
7. She knows me better than I know myself
Going off of the last point, my mom knows when I’m upset even if I’m lying saying I’m not. She can tell something’s up, whether good or bad, just by looking at my face. Maybe it’s because we’re so similar.
8. She’s like Wonder Woman
My mom raised my siblings and I without any slip-up. She effortlessly got everything done from practices, to home-cooked dinners, to trips to visit family I hope to be half the woman she is one day! Mom, you deserve all the daisies in the world!