Netflix recently released a documentary series called “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” in 2023. In this series, author Dan Buettner travels around the world to “blue zone” communities. Blue zones refer to areas that have a high percentage of centenarians or people who live past 100. Buettner explores five different locations: Okinawa, Japan; Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Loma Linda, California. The culture and lifestyles vary; however, they all have one thing in common: many residents live past 100.
Even if you do not live in an actual blue zone, there are still ways you can incorporate these healthy lifestyle habits into your daily life. These habits are not only helping people live longer, but they are helping people live happy and fulfilling lives.
Some of the habits listed in the documentary include:
Throughout the series, it was apparent that people living within blue zones have active lifestyles. Although they are not going to the gym, they unintentionally utilize movement in their daily routines. For example, people in Okinawa, Japan tend to have better balance and strength because they are often sitting on the ground. Constantly moving up and down from the floor serves as a healthy form of exercise. In Sardinia, Italy, residents are climbing steep stairs daily because of their location in the mountains. Finding time in your day to simply walk outside, do yoga, or go to the gym can greatly improve your physical and mental health.
Healthy Eating
It is probably no surprise that people living in blue zones eat healthily. It is surprising, however, that each blue zone’s diet greatly differs from other locations. In Loma Linda, California, most of the residents are Adventists. As a result, their diets are plant-based, meaning they rely mostly on fruits and vegetables to sustain their appetites. In Sardinia, Italy, locals have a diet that is heavy in carbs. Delicious homemade pasta is served for almost every meal. This series demonstrates that there isn’t one magical diet you need to follow. Instead, it shows how healthy eating can be achieved by eliminating processed and artificial foods and taking a more natural approach to eating.
Humans are social creatures. People who live in solitude and don’t have close relationships often struggle with mental health issues. In all of the blue zones, people found ways to create community. In Okinawa, elderly locals form neighborhood groups called moais. Moais original purpose was to provide financial support, but they morphed into a way for residents to make strong friendships. In Sardinia, people place a strong value on their relationship with their families. Rather than being sent to nursing homes, elders are taken care of by their families.
If you want to learn more about the unique lifestyles of those in blue zones, check out the series on Netflix! Maybe you will find a few new habits you want to implement in your daily routine!