This week’s Campus Celebrity, Kyle Ewing, has multiple identities on campus. Sometimes you may see him wearing the red Diplomat jacket, business suits, and University of Tampa t-shirts at the Admissions Office.
Kyle, 20, is a junior coming all the way from New Smyrna Beach, Florida to earn a degree in Finance and enjoy in all of the opportunities the university has to offer.
You may spot Kyle multiple times throughout the day on campus as he is very busy student, not only exceling in his classes, but also representing and guiding at the University of Tampa. He is an Admissions Tour Guide for the Office Admissions, a UT Diplomat, a member of Presidents Leadership Fellows, chairman of VP Social Engagements for Delta Sigma Pi, and works off-campus as a waiter at the Rusty Pelican Restaurant. It is obvious that in between classes Kyle is representing our school to prospective students, or making a difference as being a leader on campus.
As an Admissions Tour Guide, Kyle has the opportunity to be one of the first faces that possible future Spartans interact and converse with when they come to visit the campus. Kyle said, “Being a tour guide is probably my most favorite thing I do on campus. I’ve met people from all over the world and the country and get to be their first impression of the University of Tampa.”
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional business fraternity that promotes real world connections with developing and growing business students. As the chairman of VP Social Engagements, Kyle is responsible for planning events for the organization such as fundraisers, financial tours, and chapter events.
When Kyle needs a break from his hectic schedule, he enjoys cooking, eating, spending time with friends, being outside, and sleeping. His guilty pleasure is stealing nice pillows from hotel rooms and the two things he misses from home are his mother and king size bed.
Before Kyle graduates, his dream would be to become the president of the UT student body, a big goal for any student, but Kyle seems to have the motivation, skills, and personality to be a great leader on campus. His favorite part about our Spartan-spirited environment is the size of the student population. He states, “I love walking to class and getting to see dozens of familiar faces and friends.” When you are highly involved on campus, you sure do know and recognize a lot of people. Some problems that we have here at school that he would change are the weak Wi-Fi connections in the buildings and the fact that the meal exchanges and Spartan dollars do not roll over each week or semester.
Kyle is a well-known face on the UT campus as he partakes in many organizations to better the school environment, but also to assist those high school students taking a tour for their first time. His advice is to not miss out on the opportunities this great institution has to offer and always take a chance! Kyle has definitely prospered in making his college phase a time of success with being highly involved. His favorite quote to live by is, “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.”
If you would like to keep up with daily campus tours and events Kyle is participating in, you can follow him on Instagram: @ewingkyle, and Twitter: @KyleEwing1