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First Day of School Struggles

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.
  1. Waking up for your 8 AM (or anything before 10 AM) for the first time since the spring semester is a challenge.

  2. What do I wear!? You do not want to look like you are trying too hard, yet you want to dress to impress.  We all have more than just ten pairs of leggings in our closets, right? As always, the struggle is real.

  3. Getting lost on your way to class, and this is not only a freshman problem! Our schedules do not spell out the building names; instead it’s an encrypted abbreviation for each building, so you now have to do research to decipher the acronyms, such as CC, JS, and CP.

  4. You do not know who to sit next to in your classes yet, let alone who to eat meals with during your now busy days.

  5. Now you have to get through these cheesy ice breakers and learn, memorize, and recite random facts about your classmates that you really will never remember or use.

  6. Once the icebreakers are done, you are probably hoping to get dismissed from class since it is the first day and all … until your professor asks you to take out your textbooks and notebooks and begins to lecture!  Awkward moment when you have yet to buy the book, and brought no pencils or paper to class on syllabus week.

  7. You end the day as a sweaty, smelly mess because you have yet to acclimate to this lovely Florida humidity and heat, or soaking wet from the tropical storm that has been drowning the campus.

The good news is, YOU DID IT! The first day is over which means time to focus on more important things like where to go out this weekend and how long to procrastinate on your first assignment. Eventually, we can think about how we are going to survive attending classes every day for the next three or so months until Thanksgiving break.  


Amalie Laigaard is a Junior at the University of Tampa, majoring in Public Health and Wellness.  She was born in Denmark, raised in New Jersey, and now lives in SW Florida.  Her passion is split between helping others and writing about anything and everything in her life.  During her free time she soaks up the Florida sun while reading by the pool, or she will be found in the kitchen making some chocolatey concoction!  
Hi, I'm Chanel. I'm a Sophomore at the University of Tampa with a major in Public Health. I laugh at horror movies, don't understand romantic movies, and cry during documentaries. I am vegetarian, but I will make an exception for pepperoni pizza rolls because the plain cheese are just plan disgusting. I dream of owning a cuddly pet chicken and a tiny home. Hm... I also enjoy torturing myself by spending an hour and half in a 105 degree room to practice Bikram Yoga. That is all.