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Freshman 15: 15 Lessons I Learned My Freshman Year

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

With my freshman year under my belt, I always look back on my high school self and think, “Who is she?” I’ve had a “college glow up” and am so happy with who I am coming home for the summer. This year has certainly brought out the best in me and I am so grateful for all the experiences, people, and memories that helped shape who I am today. Through all of the many ups and downs I have experienced, I have learned so many valuable lessons I want to share with girls getting ready for their freshman years.

  1. Make connections with professors.

As much as making friends is important in college, so is making connections with potential mentors. Always introduce yourself to your professors and reach out frequently for guidance or to simply have a casual conversation. Your professors can help you get experience in your field and even connect you with future job opportunities!

  1. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone.

During your first semester, especially your first week, you are going to come across so many new people in your dorm, classes, clubs, or even just walking around campus. It is so easy to assume everyone you meet will immediately be your best friend forever, but keep in mind the type of people you want to surround yourself with and make sure they align with who you are.

  1. Boys should not be a priority.

Let’s be honest, meeting your college sweetheart is a dream. I came from an all-girls high school, so being back in class with boys was a big culture shock. But not every frat boy you come across is going to be your Prince Charming (he might honestly be more of a villain). Know your worth ladies, and make sure to keep your academics, activities, and friends before any man.

4. People come and go.

Going back to point 2, not everyone you meet is going to be your best friend, so don’t be afraid to let them go. College is a melting pot of different personalities, so there are bound to be some individuals who don’t benefit your growth or maybe even prey on your downfall. Identify these people as fast as you can so you can find the people who benefit you the most quickly.

5. Get enough sleep.

This is a big one. According to the University of South Florida, over 70 percent of college students do not get enough sleep. I can guarantee that if you get your recommended 8 hours of sleep a night, there will still be plenty of time for homework, being with friends, and involvement. Besides, you will be so much more productive and energetic with the right amount of sleep and get the most out of your day!

6. Stay active.

Alongside having enough time to sleep, there is always time to keep your body healthy. So often I find myself skipping going to the gym to study for finals, but even pushing yourself to go for 30 minutes can be beneficial to your wellness. Staying active doesn’t just mean going to the gym either, simply going for a walk around campus is an easy way to stay active and make time for other priorities!

7. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Like I said, you are going to meet a lot of different people, so it can become really easy to start comparing yourself to them. Regardless of how much money or cool clothes someone may have, that does not define their character, and it doesn’t define yours either! The most important thing we all bring to the table is ourselves, so stay true to yourself and pay no mind to what others around you have. 

8. Keep an open mind.

Before I came to college, my parents registered me for a pre-orientation program which I had absolutely zero interest in. Turns out, that program brought me my very best friends and I actually loved it so much that I am working for it next fall! Even if you think something may not be for you, try it out! There is never a loss to trying something new.

9. Don’t wait till the last minute.

Procrastination is a very popular trend in college but no matter how popular it is, never follow it. The last thing you need in college is additional stress from starting a 10-page paper at 9:00 pm and only having three hours to do it. Make a clear to-do list and keep a close eye on it so everything gets done at an appropriate time. 

10. Get involved.

If I can promise you one thing, it is that there is a place for everyone on campus. Whether its a part of a sorority, student government, or a club that maybe mildly piques your interest, you will find your place if you try something out. So make sure to go out of your dorm and try all the clubs you can until you find your fit!

11. Stay in contact with loved ones.

Especially if you move far away for college, it can become easy to lose touch with the people you love from home. I moved 1,000 miles away for college and it truthfully took me a while to find the balance between my college people and my home people. Even calling your mom once a day for 5 minutes or texting your friends “I miss you” once in awhile keeps that bond there, so don’t be hesitant to reach out!

12. Don’t be afraid to change your path.

According to the University of Tulsa, about 80 percent of college students change their major at some point. The point of college is to find your place in the world, so if you feel you don’t belong on the path you’re following, don’t be hesitant to change it! After all, happiness comes first, so make sure you’re doing what you love!

13. People aren’t judging you as hard as you think.

For the first few weeks of school (and even a little now), I was convinced everyone was judging me for being a clueless freshman who looked very much out of place. In reality, everyone is only really concerned with themselves, so keep doing your thing and remind yourself that you’re killing it regardless of how small you feel!

14. Everyone is always connected.

Despite having thousands of students, you would not believe how small of a world college really is. The amount of “Wait, you know her too?” conversations I’ve had never cease to shock me. Be mindful of what you say to others and always be kind, you don’t want to be known as a mean girl!

15.You have time!

I’m sure you’ve heard people tell you “college moves by fast” over and over again, and to be honest, it does! I feel like I just moved into my dorm but here I am packing up to move out. Despite feeling like I have so little time, the reality is I have a whole three more years ahead of me. So even though it may feel like you need to squeeze in all these millions of different experiences, take a deep breath and realize there is time to do everything you want to do. Just enjoy the moment!

Hannah Hughes is a freshman at the University of Tampa majoring in Psychology and minoring in Leadership Studies and Biology. Outside of Her Campus, Hannah is involved in Sigma Kappa Sorority, is the Logistics Coordinator for the Discover UT leadership program, and is a tour guide on campus! Aside from activities on campus, Hannah can be frequently found tanning at the beach, listening to (or making) music, journaling, or trying new restaurants.