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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

My time in college is coming to a close end, and to think that I will be on my own as a college graduate very soon is scary but refreshing at the same time. This is not the end of my education, as I am currently in the process of applying to law school and deciding what school would be the best fit for my next steps. But, it is not the same. It is even scarier because there are so many thoughts in the back of my mind that I am not good enough, I will fail, and that if I do end up failing, I have no clue what I would choose to do if I could not earn my law degree and become an attorney. To be frank, I have no backup plan, and there is nothing more stressful for me. 

I have big dreams for myself, and I tell myself all the time that I can do it, I can be successful in the career that I have always dreamt for myself, but there are so so so many barriers and people in society that are telling me that I won’t be good enough. I feel as if there are so many cards stacked against me. 

Despite all of the scary thoughts, undeniable barriers, and haters, I still hope and manifest that I can. I will be an attorney one day and I will make it through law school not only as a successful student but as an advocate for all of the other women in this field with similar dreams as I have.

Hi! My name is Kierstin. I’m from upstate New York and go to the University of Tampa. I study Political Science and pre-law, with minors and Women and Gender studies, Leadership studies, and Law Justice and Advocacy. I love astrology, hanging out with my friends, playing sports, listening to music, food, and much more.