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Healthy Habits & Self-Care Practices To Add To Your Morning and Night Routine This Semester

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

It is officially Back-To-School season— the perfect opportunity for college students to start fresh. I always get excited for the fall semester because it is a time when we get to try and experience new things. However, I’m sure we can mutually agree that after a long and fun-filled summer break, getting readjusted to the new semester is a slight challenge. Between classes, work, and extracurriculars, it is easy to get caught up in our busy lives— which is why we often forget to take care of ourselves. Personally, I have noticed a drastic difference in my productivity and overall health once I started to truly prioritize self-care. Incorporating healthy habits and self-care activities into your morning and night routine is the first step to having a successful semester. Here are a few tips on how to create a morning and night routine when starting your self-care journey:


Having a steady routine at the start of a new semester can be difficult— but by learning how to manage your time, you can find the right balance. College is all about figuring life out through trial and error, so do not worry if it takes some time to get back into the groove of things. 

Your morning routine is important because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. But not everyone is a morning person; It can be tempting to hit “snooze,” and finding motivation to get out of bed is not always easy. I, myself, found mornings to be the hardest part of the day because my mind would stress about all the things I had to get done. However, I learned how to make my mornings less stressful and more enjoyable— this is key.

Having a night routine is also just as important. After a long and productive day, this is the time you owe to yourself to wind down and get prepared for the next day. Prioritizing your sleep schedule is a vital part of your night routine because, let’s be real, the more tired we are throughout the day, the less productive we end up being. It is expected that we are going to have nights where we are up late to finish schoolwork, but that is why staying on top of tasks and other responsibilities is crucial. Here are some healthy habits you can add to your morning and night routine:

Create a morning/night playlist:

If you do not have much time to have a full-fledged routine, one thing I recommend to make your mornings or nights more enjoyable is to create playlists specific to the time of day. For example, I recommend creating a morning playlist that will give off positive vibes to help motivate you. For your night playlist, create a mellow mood that will help you unwind. Of course, everyone has different music tastes, so this can vary. According to Psychology Today, listening to music can reduce anxiety, boost your mood, and evoke memories. In need of Inspiration? 

My Morning Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4PJzjOQW0gzqPnNxeUa2A9

My Nighttime Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/34gEST2dJ6LJfzRedfl30C

Write down your to do’s: 

Keeping a mental note of your to-do list can be tricky because it can clutter your mind and cause you to either stress or forget. So, I recommend writing all your to-do’s for the day (with an estimated time frame) the night before or when you wake up. Separating homework assignments, work schedules, and other things is the best way to do this so you can prioritize the most urgent tasks. Personally, I write all the assignments that I plan to get done in a planner on the day of. As for non-school related tasks like plans, work, chores, and reminders, I jot them down on post-it notes or on my Notes app the night before; that way, I have an idea of how much time I have to get assignments done. Once I’ve completed these tasks, I will cross them off. Doing this will help keep your mind organized, and you will feel accomplished in the end. Everyone has a different system that they prefer; however, this is what has worked for me in the past. 


Self-care is a concept that is used a lot nowadays, but there is no right or wrong way to define it. It really is just about taking time to care for yourself first, whether that is through fitness, mindfulness, personal hygiene, relaxing activities, or staying connected. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally should be the priority every day. Here is a list of self-care activities you can try adding to your mornings and nights:

  • Make your bed in the morning (avoid going back in bed after waking up).
  • Create a skin, body, and hair-care routine (invest in products that get you excited to use them).
  • Download a motivational app with quotes that you can read throughout the day
  • Eat healthy, fulfilling meals and stay hydrated 
  • Take naps if needed— Mayo Clinic suggests short naps (10-20 minutes is ideal) and avoid taking them after 3 p.m. 
  • Exercise, mindful walks, meditation, yoga
  • Light a candle while winding down 
  • Read a book of your choice
  • Find a TV show/Feel-good movie to watch
  • Journal your thoughts, feelings, goals
  • Prepare outfit ideas ahead of time (when you look good, you feel good— comfy, fancy, casual— doesn’t matter as long as you feel confident in it!) 
  • Try disconnecting from your phone as much as possible 
  • Listen to podcasts that interest you, your favorite music
  • Designate times and places where you plan on getting homework and studying done

Other ways you can practice self-care outside of your morning and night routine:

  • Make plans with friends and/or family 
  • Treat yourself once in a while to something you desire
  • Organize and personalize your living space with decor 
  • Check-in with a therapist 
  • Try something new and explore new places (take yourself on dates)
  • Start a new (or perfect an existing) hobby 
  • Go outside of your comfort zone— join clubs on campus that spark your interest.
  • Search for jobs or internship opportunities if you have not done so already.
  • Make a bucket list of the things you want to do and accomplish by the end of the semester.

Once you have found what routine and self-care practices work best for you, try and stick to them daily. Switching up a few aspects of your routine once in a while to avoid making everyday mundane can help make your routine feel more exciting as well. Overall, the best morning and night routine is one that you can be flexible with and stick to even when you are not feeling it on a certain day. 

Zoie Aguiar is a writer for Her Campus at the University of Tampa. Her articles cover a variety of topics including wellness, lifestyle, work, academics, travel, fashion, gen-z culture and aesthetics. In addition to sharing relatable and credible content on these topics, Zoie aims to connect with others by spreading positivity. Her core values are: well-being, passion, integrity, peace and individuality. Zoie is a Junior studying Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Marketing. In her free time, she loves to cozy up in her bed and watch reality tv, take pictures, DIY, design, decorate, play volleyball and shop. Zoie loves to travel and explore new things. Her favorite places to be are the city, beach, and mall. She loves to express her personality and style through writing, art and fashion. Ultimately, Zoie loves to be creative and have fun!