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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

We have all seen those TikToks of girls living their best lives and romanticizing each part of their daily routine. These girls take perfect pictures, study at coffee shops, have a pretty aesthetic, and prioritize their health. Living this way not only shifts your mindset but also the way you uphold and present yourself. Here are a few of my tips on how to be that girl.

Have a Set Morning Routine

Having a morning routine will immediately boost your day as you get to pamper yourself in the morning. For my mornings, I like to start by doing my skincare routine and making myself an iced matcha. These two little habits already make me feel more put together and ready for the day. I also love to romanticize each task I get to do. For example, I drink my matcha out of a cute glass and love to take cute pictures to put on my Instagram story. Not only does having a morning routine give you a sense of accomplishment right away in the morning, but it also creates a pattern for your body to get used to. Not everyone’s morning routine is going to be the same, so you have to curate a routine that is perfect for you! 

Fueling Your Body 

Prioritizing your health is something that is so important. What this looks like for me is taking my daily vitamins, going to the gym, as well as watching what foods I put into my body. I try to fuel my body with mainly whole foods and nutrients that are key to maintaining good health. I also love taking vitamins that will benefit me in the long run. My personal favorite is the vital collagen peptides that I can easily mix into my water for easy access to class. When fueling your body and treating it right, you will notice a shift in your mood and a different glow to you. 

Getting Outdoors

Going outside is super good for the human body; not only is there vitamin D from the sun, but you are also consuming fresh air. By going outside, you can do small activities that will make you feel better and more productive throughout the day. These activities include going on a walk, tanning, having a picnic, working out outdoors, or taking your dog for a walk, etc. Getting outdoors is so good for you, as you will notice changes in the way you live your everyday life and your mindset. 

Have a Vision Board/Goals

Creating a vision board is a fun activity that can keep you on the right track with your goals. Vision boards serve as an everyday visual reminder of your goals. To make a vision board, you don’t have to be artsy, as it is unique and personalized to you and your goals. I keep a vision board in my room, as well as a journal that I fill with my goals and aspirations in life. Journaling is another good way to keep track of your goals and set reminders of what you want to achieve in life.

Do What Makes You Happy 

As cheesy as it sounds, it’s true. When you do what makes you happy, you overall are a more inviting and well-rounded person. Doing the things you love will not only make you happy, but you will notice that you share your passion with many others. By doing this, you can meet so many new people and surround yourself with people who are just like you. Having a good group of friends to support you is something that is so important and something to be so grateful for. 

These tips will help you romanticize your life and fall in love with bits and chunks of your life you may have taken for granted before. Watch your mindset shift and your outlook on life change as you begin to transform into the best version of yourself.

Brooke Le Mense is currently a new member and apart of the marketing team for the Her Campus Tampa Chapter. She writes mainly on the topics of lifestyle, wellness, beauty, fashion, seasonal trends, and travel. Beyond Her Campus, Brooke is a freshman at The University of Tampa, majoring in marketing. Brooke is currently working at a local tanning salon where she spends most of her time producing sales and marketing for the company. She obtains a certification from "Parsons The New School," in New York for a fashion design and PR marketing background class. Brooke enjoys working out, writing, and hanging out with friends in her free time. She finds her favorite activity to be going on a beach day trip, or a road trip with her friends. Brooke is always on top of the latest fashion trends, and seeking out new pieces to style and put together.