Sometimes, during the school year, you may experience fatigue, little to no motivation, and sadness. This is known as burnout. Burnout typically has symptoms resembling that of depression – however, they are not considered to be the same thing. If you are worried you are suffering from depression and not burnout, reaching out to a doctor or therapist might be a good idea. Some things you could do to conquer burnout are having a self-care day that can consist of a nice hot shower, starting up a skincare routine, taking a yoga class, and watching one of your comfort movies or shows. If you don’t think you can focus in class, take the day to just relax and decompress. Another thing you can do is hang out with your friends in a non-stressful environment. This could consist of a spa day, a picnic, or a fun activity like mini golf or sky zone. Something fun and exciting could get your mind out of a slump as well. This could consist of an exhilarating activity such as going to a theme park or skydiving. If these ideas are out of your comfort zone, you could also spend the day taking in relaxing content. This can mean things like listening to a chill playlist on Spotify, playing a relaxing video game on your Nintendo Switch, or even catching up on one of your favorite podcasts. Lastly, just because you’re in a slump doesn’t mean you can’t get out of it, and if you’re having trouble balancing it all, just take a deep breath and relax because you’re only human, and we’re made to struggle. I hope this helps to supply you with some tips to get out of your next sluggish period!
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.