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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.
  1. Stay Active: It might seem obvious, but it really is true that going outside for a walk or going to the gym really keeps you grounded during college.
  2. Eat Full Meals: College can be a time of instant noodles and snacks, but that is not a healthy way to maintain busy days. Making sure you are eating balanced meals will make you feel better and increase your energy. That being said, it’s not bad to have a snack or sweets in your day, the important thing is that it’s not the only thingyou are eating.
  3. Stay Organized: Managing your different classes and workloads will make sure you are not confused and know what you need to focus on. Using a planner or Google Calendar has been very helpful in my experience, but whatever the best way you can stay organized is fine.
  4. Get Involved in School Activities: Joining clubs you find interesting and participating in school activities keeps some fun in your school experience. This also creates an opportunity to meet people with similar interests as you. 
My name is Amanda and I am currently a Freshman at the University of Tampa and a new member at Her Campus. I’m from Orlando, Florida and played volleyball for 8 years and have traveled a lot so, most of my articles will focus on that interest. I study journalism at the University of Tampa and look forward to writing on topics that interest me. I do not have much experience so this will be a great learning opportunity. A fun fact about me is that I’m a twin, and I have four pets back at home. I have a lot of experience fostering kittens and with volunteer work. I also love to cook and bake. I can’t wait to meet new people and share my articles with everyone!