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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

There has always been the question of whether or not height matters in a relationship. Especially in heterosexual relationships. But I also wonder if it matters within homosexual relationships as well. Of course, in heterosexual relationships, the man is the one that is usually wanted to be taller. Still, in homosexual relationships, it’s not as easily determined which person should be taller. 

I know personally, as a tall woman, that it would be great for my significant other to be taller than me, but it would not bother me if he were shorter than me. I am 5’11”, so it is sometimes hard to come by people that are taller than me. As a straight woman, I also feel like it is hard to be tall because some men do not like women who are taller than them. I could also assume that shorter men feel the same way as taller women. 

So, the question here is whether or not you care if your significant other is taller or shorter than you. As I said before, I personally don’t mind either way, but the stigma against women being the shorter ones in heterosexual relationships is still there. Now I can’t speak for those that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I am curious what other people’s thoughts are on this topic!

Hi! My name is Kierstin. I’m from upstate New York and go to the University of Tampa. I study Political Science and pre-law, with minors and Women and Gender studies, Leadership studies, and Law Justice and Advocacy. I love astrology, hanging out with my friends, playing sports, listening to music, food, and much more.