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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Growing up, I had the same friends from kindergarten, and that continued up until my freshman year of college. I graduated with only 50 people in my class, so it was normal for me to have the same friends my whole life. What is normal for me, is not really the norm for everyone else though. I learned that the hard way. I still have those same friends I had from kindergarten, but I have more friends now too. Although I ultimately consider myself to be outgoing, I find it really hard to make friends who are truly meant for me. I have definitely found a few of those in my life, but for me, it is really rare. My best friend, Megan, and I met in 6th grade and we have been inseparable since. We are not really similar, but she is more like a sister at this point. I go to school in Florida and she goes to school back home in New York, but we still see each other as much as possible. 

I would like to think that I pick really good friends up until recently in college. I stay out of drama like everyone else tries to do. But, I have been pulled into drama that I did not even know existed until recently because the people that I thought were my friends kept their issues with me hidden until they decided to tell me about it all at once. I am human, we are all not perfect people or friends and I own my shit, but I can not fix my issues and own up to them unless I know about them. 

The moral of a really long-turned-short story is that we are adults, and unfortunately, we are going to lose a lot of people and friends in our lives. But, unless you know about the things that need to be fixed within a friendship, you can’t own it or fix it. So, let those people leave, keep your head up, and try not to let their words and actions impact you if they can’t respect you enough to bring up their problems with you. Move on to better friends because if they were really true friends, they would not put you in that position. 

I am sharing my friendship issues online because I know for a fact that there are other people out there who have had issues with friends that they had no control over, and sometimes it feels good to know others are going through similar problems as you. Whether you are in college, in your early twenties, an adult in general, or maybe still in high school, just know that a true friend would want to fix problems together, not just dump their shit on you with no explanation. 

Hi! My name is Kierstin. I’m from upstate New York and go to the University of Tampa. I study Political Science and pre-law, with minors and Women and Gender studies, Leadership studies, and Law Justice and Advocacy. I love astrology, hanging out with my friends, playing sports, listening to music, food, and much more.