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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

In light of my mid-terms passing and the semester almost coming to a close, I have tried to make my mental health a priority. I take time to implement small and easy changes into my routine, take some alone time, and clear my head. Every day is not perfect, but here are some ways I have been prioritizing self-care during my busy schedule. 

  1. Go on Walks 

I know this is the obvious activity that everyone says to do, but it is my go-to way of prioritizing mental health. Living in Tampa definitely has it’s perks, such as beautiful weather and scenery. I either take a walk on the Riverwalk or go downtown. I will usually listen to a podcast and it has become something that I look forward to because of the peacefulness it brings me; especially during a busy day of classes and assignments. 

  1. No working while you eat 

I know that this might sound like a luxury that not everyone has, but taking those 20 minutes every day to eat, watch a show, or whatever it is you watch for enjoyment, allows me time to dissociate from work and helps me to keep my sanity. Since the beginning of college, I have kept this rule, and it is one I will not budge on because of how important it is to take little parts of the day to just relax.

  1. Treat Yourself 

For me, this is a major part of my self-care during stressful weeks. I don’t treat myself every day, but I always set aside some money every week so I can get something that I love but don’t necessarily need. This is usually something as small as getting a venti drink from Starbucks, going off campus to get whatever snack or food I want, and maybe setting aside money to go get dinner with friends or going shopping with friends. Setting aside this money feels like a little reward to myself and is something that I can look forward to. 

Arianna is a writer for Her Campus, Tampa chapter and a sophomore at the University of Tampa. She is majoring in communications and media studies with one minor in advertising and another in public relations. She enjoys traveling, listening to new music, and reading.