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So, You Want to Try Kava and Kratom? Here’s What to Know.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

The public interest in Kava and Kratom has blown up tremendously in the past few years, but many people still don’t know anything about it. The most common questions I hear are: Is it safe? How much do you take? How does it make you feel? Why should I drink this? And so many more. I’m here to try and answer some of those common questions so you can learn more.

First of all, what is Kava?

Kava (Piper Methysticum) is a plant native to the Pacific Islands. Kava is the most common name it’s known by, but there are dozens of different names for it, from many different Pacific Island cultures. Specifically, Kava is part of sacred traditions in Fiji and is used for socializing and celebrations. 

Kava is traditionally made from the root of the plant, where it’s ground and brewed almost like a tea. You can drink it straight, but people usually describe it as pretty bitter. In Kava bars, it’s popular to mix in milk and/or cream (dairy or plant-based), or syrups to help the flavor. 

What is Kratom?

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is an evergreen tree native to southeast Asia, and has been a part of various asian cultures for centuries. Kratom has many uses, ranging from medicine to treat pain to a recreational stimulant. This range of effects comes from the various strains that have been developed. 

Kratom can be consumed in many different ways, but most commonly the leaves are brewed as tea and drank. The tea is often mixed with juices, lemonade, milk, syrups, and anything you want. 

Where do I get Kava and/or Kratom?

You can go to your local Kava bar to get either Kava or Kratom. These places are always super fun environments with great people, and you can customize your drink in dozens of delicious ways. You can also buy them online, just be sure it’s from a reputable source. Also, be sure to check the legality of Kava and Kratom in your state or country. While they both are legal in the United States, certain states and 16 countries have made Kratom illegal, so double-check your local laws. 

Why is Kratom illegal in certain cities and states?

There isn’t really a straight-forward answer, the reason tends to be highly political most of the time. There also has not been a lot of research regarding Kratom and its effects in the long-term. There are a few “unknowns” with Kratom, so many places simply end up outlawing it. Be sure to do your own research to learn more. 

How does Kava make you feel?

Kava has been shown to relieve anxiety and stress in most individuals, it can also relax tension in the muscles. Some people have even claimed Kava helped with insomnia and improved sleep. Most notably, Kava creates a subtle euphoric feeling.

Kava has two “strains”, called Day and Night. Day Kava is typically used in the day, it can make you more sociable, less anxious, and happier. By contrast, Night Kava is typically used at night, it can be more relaxing, and almost sedative. 

How does Kratom make you feel?

Generally speaking, Kratom can provide pain relief, mild euphoria, improved mood, relief from anxiety, and increased sociability. These effects are typical for Kratom in general, but depending on the strain you choose, the effects can be different. The most common strains are Red, Yellow, Green, and White. There are other strains, but these four are the ones you will see most often. 

  • Red Vein Kratom is very calming and provides the most pain relief and relaxation compared to other strains. It relieves anxiety and stress and it can also be very beneficial for people who struggle with sleep.
  • Yellow Vein is known for giving the user a “body euphoria”. It promotes relaxation of the body, but it also boosts energy and mood. It also relieves anxiety and stress. 
  • Green Vein is very popular and is known as the “happy and social” strain. It reduces anxiety, boosts energy and promotes a happier mood. It can also bring about a mild euphoria. 
  • White Vein is typically used for enhanced energy and focus, while also having the general anxiety reducing and mood heightening effects. 

Are these safe to drink?

The simple honest answer is: it is mostly safe. As with anything, moderation is important and in this case it’s important to know how much you are drinking and how often. Drinking too much Kava or Kratom when your body doesn’t have a tolerance and/or consuming large amounts too quickly will make you sick. Everyone’s body reacts to Kava and Kratom differently as well. Some people can’t drink it at all without becoming sick and some people are allergic. If you do decide you want to try either Kava or Kratom, start with a small amount to see how your body will react. Don’t try either of them on an empty stomach for your first time, be sure you’ve eaten. Make sure that you’re drinking water with them too, both drinks are diuretics so it’s easy to become dehydrated.

The most important rule of all however, do not ever mix Kratom or Kava with alcohol. You will become sick almost immediately and it can potentially be dangerous.

So how much is too much? What should I start with?

With Kratom, I always recommend starting with 5 grams at least and 10 grams at most. With Kava, around 10 grams is a good starting point. This is not scientific fact however, these drinks have not been thoroughly researched and no one can say for sure what an appropriate dosage is for any one person. These are just general suggestions based on many different people’s suggestions.

Also, every Kava/Kratom bar makes their drinks differently. Pay attention to the dosages listed on their menu or ask the kavatender about the strength of their drinks.

Some may hear all those do’s and don’t’s and decide that it’s not safe or something they want to try, and that’s okay! It’s up to you what you want to do. I want to provide as much information as I can to people that don’t know about these drinks. I want to help be sure you have a fun experience with Kava and Kratom. As long as you take it easy with them, you’ll be fine. These drinks are fun to try and going to a Kava bar is a great experience. The bars can range from a chill and laid back environment to a fun and super social event. Whatever kind of mood you’re in, there’s a kava bar to meet your needs.

I’m a Junior at The University of Tampa majoring in both AD/PR and Design. I’m an artist and amateur tarot reader. My goal is to one day own my own business, whether that’s my own design firm, art business, or kava bar. I enjoy teaching people how to make themselves happy and add a little magic to their lives.