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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

How to answer the question “What are you doing this summer?”

There are so many things to do during the summer; go to the beach, travel to the mountains, take a class, start an internship, but what if your calendar is blank? How do you not compare yourself to those with so much on their schedule?

College kids are always told that these are the best years of their life, and summers are no different. But if all of your friends are occupied, how do you assure yourself that you are on the right path?

  1. Their plans are different from yours for a reason.
    1. Your path in life does not mirror those around you! Sure, you might both be in school, but your path to your future will be different! Your end goal is not exactly the same as your peers, and that is more than okay!
  2. There is freedom in the unknown!
    1. Who knows, this one summer home might change you! I’m not saying it will be some epiphany, but there is room for one to happen! You could realize you love doing X, Y, and Z even though you never noticed it while at school. That is okay!
  3. Utilize the time.
    1. If boredom isn’t your thing, you have 4 months to figure out plans for fall! Getting in contact with professors or employers early is always a smart move! You are able to plan ahead without feeling stressed or behind!
  4. Start anew
    1. Back to boredom for a bit… your summer doesn’t have to be for the ‘grind’ mentality. Just chill! Maybe pick up a new sport, explore a different hobby, or even binge watch a show you have been too busy at school for (I did this with The Summer I Turned Pretty and it was life changing!). 

Overall, you will be completely fine. Just because you aren’t going to Barcelona or starting an internship (as my roommates are) does not mean you won’t have a fun, relaxing summer. Take a deep breath and enjoy the time you are given!

Amey DiSisto is a writer at Her Campus at the University of Tampa. Her articles range from the struggles of growing up to road-trip playlists. Outside of Her Campus, Amey is a Junior at The University of Tampa, double majoring in Journalism and Communication, Media and Culture. Amey loves going to the beach, updating her Pinterest board, and reading (bonus points if there's a love triangle!!!). As a bit of an 80s movie nerd, Amey can be found watching 16 Candles, The Breakfast Club or-- her favorite-- Dirty Dancing.