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Summers over: 5 Ways to Have a Seamless Start to School 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

     Going back to school may be a big adjustment. It might be challenging to get used to the routine of attending classes, internships, jobs, and on-campus educational organizations after being away from school. Here are five strategies for returning to the school routine following a long summer break:

  • Health and Fitness: Staying healthy will help you succeed academically because it is necessary for you to be the most productive and complete the most tasks. Even though it can be challenging to find time for exercise or have a healthy diet, especially while in college, you can find a way to carve out time for yourself with the correct planning. A mental workout is beneficial for you, even if it doesn’t include going to the gym. You can read outside or simply unwind while soaking in the sun’s rays. Attending the gym on a regular basis is also crucial to maintaining your body’s health throughout the year. 
  • Reach out to Friends: It’s also critical to set aside time for yourself to spend with your closest friends during a period when schoolwork and extracurricular activities may start to overwhelm you. Because they are experiencing the same things as you and adjusting at the same time, being among your friends gives you a sense of belonging. In order to cope with the stress of school and being away from home, it also helps to put yourself out there and participate in social interactions.
  • Find Time to Organize: Find a quiet place to unwind and dedicate some time to organizing your life. You can begin by purchasing a planner or calendar and using it to note all of your obligations, whether they are related to your studies, extracurricular activities, employment, or internships. Essentially, organization lowers stress and helps with the transition back to school. 
  • Find a Routine: Establishing a schedule is critical to adjusting to life back at school. The best course of action is to set up a schedule for yourself and dedicate some time to planning your agenda for the next few months; this may be done a week, a month, or even many months ahead of time. Make a schedule for each day that outlines your schedule. That might be your wake-up time, where you want to accomplish your schoolwork, when you want to unwind, work out, or spend time with friends throughout each day.
  • Optimism: One of the best things you can do when under stress at school is to find things to look forward to. Whether it’s something that will happen in a few days, a week, or perhaps months. While going to school can be unpleasant and stressful, there are always exciting things to look forward to that will help you feel enthusiastic about the year.
Taylor Quinn is a social media manager and writer for Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She is part of the social media team who posts regularly for Her Campus events and updates as well as engaging with viewers and followers. Her articles cover a variety of subjects, including pop culture, entertainment, and lifestyle topics. Taylor is a sophomore at the University of Tampa who is majoring in both Film and Communications, Media, and Culture. She has worked on numerous student film sets and is currently a member of a number of clubs at the University of Tampa, including Tampa's Cru, a religious organization, and being a student mentor to incoming freshmen. Taylor is from Kansas City, Missouri and enjoys exploring big cities, watching movies playing her guitar, listening to music, and adventuring new places.