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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

I don’t know about any of you, but I have been looking for an outfit for my Taylor Swift concert for a long time and am still struggling to find one. It’s not the lack of inspiration that I have been missing; it is the fact that I have no idea what I actually want to wear. Some people wear dresses, some wear previous outfits that Taylor herself has worn, and some people just wear something that is inspired by one of her eras, but as it is a long concert, I know that I at least want to be slightly comfortable. At this point, there are so many options that it is overwhelming, but because the show I am going to is in two weeks, I need to figure it out soon. I have loved so many of the outfits that other fans have worn to the shows so far, so I think they will give me a lot of inspiration and great ideas! Hopefully, I will find a great outfit soon, and no matter what, I will have the best time at the concert because, of course, it’s Taylor Swift.

Hi! My name is Kierstin. I’m from upstate New York and go to the University of Tampa. I study Political Science and pre-law, with minors and Women and Gender studies, Leadership studies, and Law Justice and Advocacy. I love astrology, hanging out with my friends, playing sports, listening to music, food, and much more.