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ryan gosling and margot robbie in barbie movie
ryan gosling and margot robbie in barbie movie
Warner Bros
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The Barbie movie controversy

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

The list of the 2024 Oscar nominations has just surfaced, and people are outraged. The worldwide blockbuster movie, “Barbie” was the talk of 2023. Director and writer Greta Gerwig and Barbie herself, Margot Robbie, have been the main talking points of the film — and for good reason. Gerwig’s undoubtedly impressive year has made history and new strides for feminism. The ‘Barbie’ movie, seen as a meaningless, brain-numbing children’s movie, has proved to be the opposite. The underlying message of the movie and the points made about feminism through creative writing have sparked lots of progressive conversations and new perspectives regarding women, or so we thought. The “Barbie” movie did receive a total of eight nominations, a great accomplishment; however, the mark was missed in regards to who was nominated. Without a doubt, the public figured Gerwig and Robbie would have earned nominations for holding the two most important titles in the film – the director and the lead. However, neither of them has received any nominations for the film. Instead, Ryan Gosling, who played Ken’s part, received a nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Ken…. the one male role in the entire film, was the only person to receive a nomination. For starters, this slap in the face has ironically proved the point of the entire movie. All of the supposed progress the movie made has gone in one ear and out the other. 

This decision made by the Oscars has been met with many different opinions about whether the movie deserved any nominations at all. Especially in regards to Gerwig, as her movie has been met with a fair amount of criticism for not being an Oscar-worthy movie. However, those who say that the movie wasn’t “good” anyway are missing the point. Regardless of whether you think the “Barbie” movie was ridiculous or genius —- this decision to nominate Gosling over Gerwig is backward. The impact that Gerwig has made is undeniably deserving of an Oscar. She has broken records left and right. Such as being the highest-grossing female director in history, directing and writing the highest-grossing film of 2023, AND creating the highest-grossing film the “Warner Bros” has ever put out. These history-making accomplishments alone deserve, at the very least, a nomination for Best Director. 

Arianna is a writer for Her Campus, Tampa chapter and a sophomore at the University of Tampa. She is majoring in communications and media studies with one minor in advertising and another in public relations. She enjoys traveling, listening to new music, and reading.