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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

by: Eva Schoen

As a film major at the University of Tampa, I’m involved in a lot of creative work. Whether it’s working behind the camera on my projects, writing music or scripts, or drawing (badly), I’m almost always using the inventive side of my brain. I’ve found that being creative is a major stress reliever, especially in college. Whenever I’m worried about an upcoming assignment or exam, I treat myself with a study break full of creativity, rather than just doing whatever on my phone. Having a positive, beneficial output like this makes a huge difference and can really enhance your lifestyle, challenging you without you even realizing it! Here are some of my favorite creative outlets. 


The easiest creative output in my opinion is writing. Whenever I have something weighing on my mind, I always find it relaxing to put pen to paper, or tap along on my keyboard, and get it off my chest. This is a great solution for storytelling as well – putting someone else in a situation that you’re facing helps you to deal with it better, and see it from another angle. Brainstorming solutions for a character can help you face a certain problem yourself. But in general, writing for yourself or for a story is very relaxing and can definitely get those creative juices flowing. 


Writing music is another favorite creative hobby of mine. I think there’s a common misconception around this field, that you have to be some sort of great poet to write a song. Not true! I do sometimes struggle with lyrics, but writing the music itself has always come easy to me. Anytime I experience something major, I always make my way over to the piano practice rooms here on campus and translate it into song. Just this last Monday, I wrote an entire song (and lyrics!) in one sitting. Even if you aren’t Mozart, dinking around on the keys for a while can take your mind off things, and it might just reveal a new side you didn’t know you had! 


Dare I say this is the most accessible source of creative outlet for anyone! I think it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone these days has a phone with a built-in camera. Anytime I’m out on a run or just walking to class, I’m always taking in my surroundings, and anything that I find particularly beautiful that day gets its picture taken. I joined the rock music club at UT last semester and have been lucky enough to be able to take pictures during all their performances. Photography is simple and quick, and always reminds me to find the charm in the little things. 

All of these outlets are extremely meaningful to me as a creative, and I know plenty of people who would agree. Next time you’re worried about a future problem, focused on something stuck in the past, or just bored, give being creative a try – you won’t regret it! 

Eva Schoen

Tampa '26

Eva Schoen is a writer and editor of Her Campus magazine as of 2024. She enjoys writing about the entertainment industry, including film, music, and literature. Eva was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and currently resides in Tampa, Florida for school. She is currently a third-year film major and sociology minor at the University of Tampa. On top of Her Campus, she is an intern for the Gasparilla International Film Festival, and balances an on-campus job as well. A lifelong pursuant of art, Eva enjoys anything pertaining to filmmaking, writing, music, and reading. She spends most of her free time outdoors, enjoying the Tampa scenery, and loves playing tennis and spending as much time in/on the water as possible. She loves to try new things, and is always on the lookout for her latest adventure!