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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Per usual, trends come and go. 

I remember when the bright, mustard yellow Kanken backpack had all the rave on social media, but now many people share that they have gotten the pale North Face for their back-to-school hauls. 

In the past few years, “y2k” early 2000s fashion is in a resurgence. But why is that? A big factor contributing to the rotation of trends is nostalgia. It was as simple as when we were younger and we saw the adults in our lives wear colorful tracksuits, flared leggings, bright tank tops, etc. Now that we are older and have access to experiment and the ability to express ourselves with personal style, we might feel specifically drawn to the aesthetics we grew up around. 

Now, of course, this is not to say that everyone follows trends closely or switches up on certain aesthetics once the time comes. Or that it is a solid thing that once a style makes its way into fashion, it never resurgences again (because that is not true; take long-sleeved shirts under short sleeves, for example). This is just a general overview of mainstream fashion patterns.

With this considered, what is the next resurgence of a “generational trend”? I have a speculation about this answer. The Tumblr aesthetic has already been inching towards making a comeback. 

There have been various Tiktok mood board videos featuring said aesthetics that were popular on the social media site Tumblr in the early 2010s-2015s. Featuring popular fashion, fads, accessories, and music that peaked during those years

As someone who had their first social media aesthetic exposure to these styles, I find it sweet and comforting that, over time, it essentially returns to our generation’s “roots.” 

I enjoy dressing where I look a little “dated,” others with similar social media exposure will get the reference.

Melanie is a freshman majoring in Advertising and PR at UT. In her free time, she enjoys reading, discovering new music artists, dancing, singing, thrifting, exploring new places and trinket collecting.