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The Ups and Downs of Being Best Friends with your Mom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

My mom and I are basically the same person and have basically been best friends since I was old enough to know what a best friend was. We laugh together, we cry together, and we even look pretty twin-like. If you and your mom are anything like me and mine, you know it’s not always rainbows and butterflies though. Even Lorelai and Rory have had their rough patches. Here are some of the good and the bad of being best friends with your mommy:

The Good:

* You don’t have to lie to her because she already knows everything about your life

* You can cuddle on the comfort of your own couch and no one can judge you

* She’ll tell you when you’re being stupid

* She knows a bad decision before you even make it because she did the same thing 30 years ago

* You can make any errand run into a shopping trip

* She loves you no matter what

* You go on lots of bff dates to get away from the men of the family

* She can never, ever really leave you

The Bad:

* You can’t lie to her because she’s known you for 20 years

* When you fight, you have no one to vent to because she’s always the one you go to

* When you make a bad decision she will always find out somehow some way

* Going off of that, you really have no secrets even if you think you do

* You can’t complain about boy problems to her like you can to your normal aged bff because she’ll hold a grudge and call them a “poohead” forever

* She judges you for coming home with a few extra pounds around your tummy and will tell you exactly that

* You fight like crazy because you really are ALWAYS together


No matter what, I wouldn’t trade being my mom’s best friend for the world. She is my life and I’ll love her forever for that. If you haven’t talked to your mom in a while, go call her. If you’re fortunate enough to be home and not 1000 miles away at school, go hug her. You may regret it if you don’t.

Kayla Brown is a Senior at UT. Majoring in criminology, she one day hopes to do something badass af. While Kayla is not writing for Her Campus or studying for class, you can find her hanging with her sorority sisters, watching This is Us, or eating Kraft mac and cheese.
Caity Berk, Former Campus Correspondents, is a current Senior at the University of Tampa, studying Marine Science & Biology with a minor in Environmental Sciences. She loves onion rings, dark chocolate, and empowering women. When she finally decides to grow up, Caity wants to work with people and help them understand the importance of the natural resources that surround us