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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

The 2024 Superbowl just took place with Usher as the halftime artist. His performance was highly anticipated, and people were predicting this to be one of the best halftime performances to date. TikTok trends surfaced with people’s predictions of how he could perform his set. Rumors surfaced around social media that Usher would bring out artist Justin Beiber, who has collaborated on songs with Usher in the past. Needless to say, Usher had a lot of hype and excitement surrounding leading up to his halftime performance. 

Although Justin Beiber was not Usher’s surprise guest, fans got to see fellow artists and Grammy winners Alicia Keys, H.E.R., and Ludacris make an appearance during the show. With Alicia Keys and Ludacris featuring on some of Usher’s most popular songs, on paper, it sounds like a recipe for a great performance. However, viewers were quick to take to social media after seeing Usher and Alicia Keys touchy choreography. Criticisms and jokes about them being married surfaced and how their spouses must have reacted. Opinions on the performance have been mostly negative, saying that people were disappointed with the performance, especially after all the anticipation. 

In my opinion, I don’t think the hate is deserved. I do have criticisms, such as the underwhelming opening of the performance and the abrupt ending. However, overall, I think the performance was still beyond impressive. Besides the great throwbacks that he performed, I thought the choreography was the highlight of the performance. To me, the choreography made the performance that much more captivating and showed how Usher still had the same charisma he had in his older performances. Between his amazing singing, dancing on roller skates, the three wardrobe changes, set changes, and the legendary special guests, there wasn’t a dull moment. All in all, this was one of my favorite halftime performances. 

Arianna is a writer for Her Campus, Tampa chapter and a sophomore at the University of Tampa. She is majoring in communications and media studies with one minor in advertising and another in public relations. She enjoys traveling, listening to new music, and reading.