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Why Mulan is one of the BEST DISNEY PRINCESSES

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Everyone’s watched the Disney film, Mulan. (If you haven’t, what are you doing with your life? Go watch it! You know, Mulan is the Asian princess who saves China, but she is often overlooked and underappreciated. This movie was released in theatres in 1998, but it is still so relevant and makes a strong statement. I remember watching it frequently as a child, but watching it when I am eighteen makes me appreciate it even more. As I see the beautiful messages and themes encompassed in this movie, I can definitely say it’s one of my favorite Disney films.


1. Mulan strays away from social norms

Even from the beginning of the film, Mulan isn’t trying to become the typical pretty face, perfect hair, basically who everyone else wants her to be girl.  Do you know the scene when she sings the iconic song, “Reflection”?? Pretty much she’s asking “who/when will I become who I really am inside?!” She doesn’t conform to society’s standards of women in China, nor is she this perfect girl that everyone loves; she just wants to be someone she loves.

2. She’s ASIAN!

Now this might not seem too significant, but Mulan is the FIRST Asian princess to be a part of the Disney family. Yay diversity!

3. Female Empowerment

Mulan didn’t need a man! She is the one of the few princesses who didn’t depend on a prince or hero to know her worth, or seal the end of the film with a kiss to break a spell. Through brave and courageous actions, Mulan discovered her true identity. Mulan’s fearlessness leads her to the Emperor and ALL of China bowing to her and praising her. At the end, Shang comes chasing after her, NOT the other way around.

Thank you Mulan for sending a message to all girls (young and old) that our worth and identity isn’t found in anyone but ourselves, and that we are capable of anything we set our minds to. Take risks, chase your dreams, and don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise. Create your own destiny!

Esther Cho

Tampa '20

Caity Berk, Former Campus Correspondents, is a current Senior at the University of Tampa, studying Marine Science & Biology with a minor in Environmental Sciences. She loves onion rings, dark chocolate, and empowering women. When she finally decides to grow up, Caity wants to work with people and help them understand the importance of the natural resources that surround us