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Working as a Full-Time Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Working and going to school full-time can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. There may even be a lot of sleepless nights, and times where everything seems to be falling apart.

In the end, not only will you become a stronger person, but also degree. Plus a great work effort! Success may not always come easy, that doesn’t mean you should give up or that you can’t accomplish great tasks under pressure.

Here are a few tips to help balance out your full schedule:

1. Find an on-campus job

Working on campus can be the best of both worlds. Not only are you getting paid, but employers are more willing to work around your class time, internships, and extracurricular activities. They know first hand how hectic the life of a college student is. An on campus job can cut down on travel time going to an off campus job, and even be a chance to knock out some homework. Try to find employers that will empathize with you. At the end of the day bills have to be paid, but your education is what your future rides on.

2. Keep organized

Staying organized is crucial! Often you will have to plan your schedule out by a week-to week, day-by-day, or even hour-by-hour.  Your planner needs to become your best friend, it will save you from flunking tests, missing meetings, and overscheduling.

3. Know when to slow down or stop

Do not overdo it.  School and work are equally important, but your health trumps everything. If you are overworked and getting little sleep, you are not functioning at your best. Don’t be afraid to take time for yourself, or say you need a break. Take care of you before all other things.

College students have it rough, contrary to popular belief. Our schedules are often packed, naptime crammed in sporadically, and running on huge amounts of coffee. Everyone at a university does not have the benefit of being on his or her parent’s dime, so that requires getting a job. With a full class schedule, it’s almost like signing your soul over for a year.  Even though things may seem grim at times, it’s still doable. Work to get your bills paid, but don’t lose sight of what you really came to school for, your education. Also, stay optimistic and do your best! At the end of the day that’s all you can do. 


1. http://wp.wpi.edu/cdc/files/2013/12/Student-Studying.jpg

2. http://www.purdue.edu/dfa/images/stuempstuinfo.jpg

3. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qvnUXdvrTAM/Us24VW-sJQI/AAAAAAAAAVI/SVrjIAjeVW…

4. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-C8euyJLGtgs/Th86M4vgu0I/AAAAAAAAAFs/BLFEYc8EuY…

Kyetra Bryant, or Kye for short is a Junior at The University of Tampa. She is the Social Media Director and a Staff Writer for her chapter. Kye was born in Germany, but has spent most of her life on the East Coast of the United States. She is pursuing a B.A. in Journalism, two minors in Spanish and New Media Production, and a Certificate in International Studies. In her meantime she loves to read and write articles or short stories. Her top three obsessions are music, manga and online shopping. She aspires to one day be a Travel Writer and published author. Feel free to follow her personal blog at curiouskye.wordpress.com or on Twitter @_KyeB.