As an aspiring doctor, I am very interested in bringing more attention to the conversation of reproductive health and rights. Throughout my years at UT I have been looking to partner up with an organization that works closely with the community in order to provide free, affordable STD/STI and HIV testing, as well as, provide their patients with the knowledge they need to take better care of themselves when being intimate with their partners. I first worked with the Ybor Youth Clinic as a freshman through an activity hosted by MedLife. Now, as a junior, I have started to work with them in bringing in more undergraduate volunteers and advocating for reproductive health. I have found an amazing group of people that serve the at-risk youth community in taking ownership of their sexual health by educating and providing them with proper testing and medical attention.
I will be collaborating with them in preparing free-condom bags to give out, tabling events at the Pride and on campus and restructuring their waiting room area so that it’s more inviting and welcoming to their patients. I encourage every reader to find something they’re passionate about and to use that drive to initiate some change to better the community. I also invite anyone who’s interested in helping out with this particular cause to contact me. We are happy to welcome new faces to this movement!
Note: They provide affordable if not free HIV testing. At the University of Tampa’s Wellness Center, this type of testing isn’t available. So, this can be an option for you if you are looking for HIV/AIDS testing (as well as Metro Inclusive Health).