1. “Life gets so much easier because you barely have any more classes to take.”
Unfortunately, your work load is still heavy. Even if you’re taking fewer classes, your professors will still find something “extra fun” for you to do. Chin up, though! You’re almost done.
2. “You go out every single night.”
I’m confused… who goes out every night of the week? If you’re not busy with school or work, I can almost guarantee you’re passed out cold. Nobody, I repeat, nobody has the energy to go out every night of the week.
*If you actually do have that much energy, please teach us your ways*
3. “If you’re not in a committed relationship by the time you graduate, something’s wrong with you.”
This is the absolute most ridiculous thing anyone has ever tried convincing me of. First of all, no one is worthy of how awesome we are. Second, can we not be super ambitious bad a**es who spend countless hours in the library every week? Not being in a committed relationship does not entail that you’re unworthy of someone. I applaud the girls who have found their perfect match, but to those who haven’t, nothing is wrong with you.
4. “You will know your exact bridesmaids lineup after a semester or two.”
Time never stops and people always change. You may have a general sense of who will be with you until the end of time, but you don’t have to have a ranked list of who is bridesmaid material and who’s not. Just be sure to surround yourself with people who always lift you up, and this should go both ways!
5. “You and your assigned academic advisor are total BFFs at this point.”
My academic advisor is one of the busiest people at my University, and because of that, I think I’ve only met with her once or twice. Don’t freak out if you’re not on a first name basis with him/her. Just be sure to get some advice from someone who will give it to you straight. When it comes to guidance, I’ve found graduate students within my department to be some of the most helpful people.
6. “At this point, you know exactly who you are and what you want to do with your life.”
While there are some students like this, not having your life’s blueprint mapped out isn’t such a bad thing. There are some benefits to it. For example, you have got the freedom to explore whatever it is that interests you. Find whatever it is that makes your heart ignite with joy and turn it into the rest of your life.
7. “You have got so much real world experience that potential employers can’t wait for you to graduate.”
Snaps to anyone who is actually in a situation like this. As far as I’m concerned, finding a job after graduation is the definition of “the struggle.”
8. “Going on dates is such a regular thing.”
It’s 2015, and sadly, dates aren’t the norm anymore. Somehow, we decided that texting and talking on the phone late at night is cooler than actual face-to-face communication. Call me crazy, but this is the downfall of our generation. Go forth into the real world, my friends!
9. “You don’t have to show up to class to pass.”
LIES!!! Anyone who says this is just kidding themselves, especially if they’re interested in some type of graduate school. You want to be the best version of yourself, don’t you? Go to class.
10. “You should be a pro in the kitchen by now”
Your cooking is not top notch. Your cooking is mediocre. The first step is admitting it, okay?