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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

it’s called the present because being alive is supposed to be a gift,

but i’ve always been bad at accepting gifts

it’s called the present because being alive is supposed to be a gift,

but why is it so hard to believe i deserve this gift?

it’s called the present because being alive is supposed to be a gift,

but when did opening gifts become such a chore?

it’s called the present because being alive is supposed to be a gift,

but why do i want to return this gift?

it’s called the present because being alive is supposed to be a gift

but why don’t i enjoy this gift?

it’s called the present because being alive is supposed to be a gift,

but i didn’t ask for this gift

it’s called the present because being alive is supposed to be a gift,

but why can’t i enjoy this gift?

and be alive

and be present


being alive is supposed to be a gift