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Clayton Brasher, 2017

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.
Hello there, handsome! Ladies, may I introduce you to… Clayton Brasher. He’s a sophomore here in Aggieland and loves all things maroon. This guy is a studly-stud and a sweetheart all in one. He might be a romantic, nice guy, but he surely won’t finish last! 
HC: Where did you grow up?
CB: Houston, Texas
HC: If you could only choose one topping to put on your ice cream for the rest of your life, what would it be?
CB: Cookie Dough, it’s something I’ve always loved on my ice cream and my fro-yo, and just in general, it’s amazing.
HC: What qualities do you hope to find in your ideal gal/ lady-friend/ gf/lover?
CB: Someone who is funny and can make me laugh. Someone who is nice to me..?
(Hmm…Clueless about love are we, Clayton?)
HC: What is your favorite form of transportation?
CB: I love flying, but I usually drive a lot because I like being alone in my car driving with music.
HC: What is an article of clothing you find least attractive on a girl?
CB: Chacos. I’m not a big fan and I think you get really bad tan lines. I think people can pick better footwear than Chacos. 
HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
CB: Beyonce. And I’d take her parachuting, let her serenade me, and then have a picnic under the century tree, duh!
Erum Salam is a student at Texas A&M and an aspiring writer and producer. Her vast experience in television, radio, and print has prepared her for the rapidly converging career path she wants to pursue. She aims to write and produce content that will educate and entertain a global audience. She believes Her Campus offers young women a platform to vocalize their thoughts on contemporary issues facing us today, while also providing hilarious content in the form of listicles, blog posts, or quizzes that surely resonates with the female millennial demographic.