Something about this time of the semester is when things really start ramping up. All these projects get assigned and heavy into round two of midterm season, with one after the other. Sometimes I feel like I can’t fit anything else into my brain!! Often I’ll try to hang out with friends or watch TV to distract my mind from the stress. But I’ve been trying to think of more ways that don’t involve staring at a screen to destress. That, combined with the fall seasonal urge to have the “ultimate cozy fall girl Pinterest-y” vibes. Here are a few – kinda – DIY activities you could actually do by yourself (or with your bestie girls), to chill out and take a break from the craziness of the semester.
Paint-by-Numbers: This past summer I really got into paint-by-number art. So why not continue that trend into the fall season too? It’s an easy way to DIY some decor for your room, sprinkling in some personality on your walls. Some of them are actually harder than they look, so it’ll definitely take up a few hours of your time if you’re looking to relax and wind down. I’ve seen customizable ones you can order online, so potentially you could knock out a Christmas present while you’re at it. This could be turned into a color-by-number moment too, and pop on a playlist to really set the vibes.
All Things Beaded: Beaded crafts are another way to make something you won’t stop showing off. You could get a whole bunch of beads in a set either online or at a local craft store, and make bracelets, phone charms, or hanging charms for your handbags. It’s such a customizable and easy activity to do with your friends. On TikTok, I’ve seen some girls do lip gloss keychains, which were SO cute, plus you’ll never lose your fav lippie again!
Patchwork Sweatshirts: What’s cozier than a sweatset and cuter than customizing it yourself? Pick out as many iron-on patches at your craft store that are speaking to you, and add them on to a plain sweatshirt-sweatpants pair to create your new favorite pair of sweats. You could have it show off who you are, or even better, match with your bestie! Pro Tip: you can even do this with an existing pair of sweatpants or sweatshirts you have, giving them an entirely new look.
Bookmark-making: For all my reading girls, obsessed with Booktok and StoryGraph, of course, you could always read to unwind, but… you could also make a cute little bookmark! There are so many cute DIY bookmark ideas out there. You could make a little animal or character that peaks out of the top of the book while holding your page. Or even try out some fall-colored leaves and laminate them together creating an aesthetic autumnal spot-saver. Definitely the ultimate cozy reader activity, perfect for any book club too.
Crochet Kits: I have been seeing these everywhere for the last year, and crocheting as a hobby is for sure trending right now, so why not jump on the bandwagon? The little kits come with everything you need to crochet a little animal or your favorite character, and they always come out so cute. So pop on a podcast, wrap yourself in a blanket, and decompress as you crochet away!
Legos: I know I’m probably the 30th person to tell you this, but Legos are soooo back y’all. They have many different kits from themed movie props to architectural buildings to beautiful flowers, all built from legos. It takes a bit of patience and time, so a guaranteed way to get your mind off of end-of-semester stress.