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hand behind head displaying Aggie Ring inside of a stadium
hand behind head displaying Aggie Ring inside of a stadium
Original photo by Lilly Davis
Life > Experiences

I Got My Aggie Ring – Now What?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

On April 11, 2024, I finally got my Aggie Ring. As someone who grew up in the College Station area with parents that both graduated from Texas A&M, this is something that I have been looking forward to my whole life.  As a senior graduating this December, my Ring Day is the highlight of my Spring semester – but the whole thing felt anti-climatic.

No one prepared me for exactly how fast paced Ring Day is. Once you enter the building during your time slot, you are ushered out in less than 5 minutes. I absolutely understand why – there are a lot of people on Ring Day and it helps keep wait times down. But to me, it made the whole process of getting an Aggie Ring feel unsatisfying. I spent hours getting ready and looked forward to this day my entire college career – just for Ring Day to be over in about 5 minutes.

The only thing left to look forward to is graduating this semester – and that’s scary to think about. I spent so much time thinking about getting my Aggie Ring that I forgot to think about what comes next.

Audrey Hendrick is the President of the Her Campus at TAMU chapter. She oversees the chapter as a whole and corresponds to HCM. By working with the Editor-In-Chief and the executive team, Her Campus at TAMU is an Elite chapter and is on track to stay that way. She embraces the opportunity to develop her leadership and time management skills. Audrey cherises the new and lifelong friendships Her Campus at TAMU has brought her. Beyond Her Campus at TAMU, Audrey is a Junior English major at Texas A&M University, with the plan to get a Masters in Library Sciences. Audrey hopes to become a librarian at a public library. She currently works for the Texas A&M Library System, in the Shelving Department. Audrey enjoys writing and has had her work published on Her Campus as well as iin the April 2022 issues of The English Aggie. In her free time, Audrey enjoys reading and is currently a part of a book club. She also loves to run and is currently training for the Austin Marathon in February. Audrey also enjoys hiking along the trails of Texas State Parks and documents her experiences at the State Parks in a Traveler’s Notebook.