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Meet Our Campus Cutie of the Week, Cameron Shoaee!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Read our interview with Cameron Shoaee and get to know our Campus Cutie this week! Good looking, smart, and determined, this future engineer has a great sense of morals and knows exactly what he wants. 

HC: What year are you?

CS: 2014…so one more month till graduation!

HC: Will you miss it here? 

CS: Of course, I love this place.

HC: Where are you from?

CS: Houston, TX

HC: What ethnicity are you?

CS: I am half Persian and half English.

HC: What’s your major?

CS: Civil Engineering 

HC: What are you involved in at TAMU?

CS: American Society of Civil Engineers, it has helped me a lot with my major.

HC: What’s your favorite sports team? 

CS: Texans

HC: Who is your celebrity crush? 

CS: Mila Kunis

HC: What are characteristics of your dream girl?

CS: My dream girl has to be smart, attractive, makes me laugh, and can cook really good Persian food.

HC: Are you single?

CS: No, I’ve been with my girlfriend for 2 ½ years.

HC: What do you like to do in your free time?

CS: Hang out with friends, watch football, and go home to spend time with my girlfriend, family, and my dog.

HC: What’s your ideal date?

CS: I love the outdoors so I would always choose something outdoors over anything.

HC: Who is someone you look up to?

CS: My dad, he has always been a role model for me because he has a successful business and has always put his family first.

HC: What are your Thanksgiving plans?