Is anyone else super jealous of all the people who love their majors? I know I definitely am. All my friends seem to be so in love with their majors, and I honestly am so confused by that. I personally hate my major right now. Now before you start telling me to change my major, please understand that while I hate my major at the moment, it’s what I have to do in order to get to where I want to be in the future.Â
Currently I am slogging through chemistries, physics, maths and countless other courses that I despise. I wake up and dread sitting through some of my lectures simply because I don’t find them interesting at all. I sit there and dream about what it will be like once I’m done with these classes. As much as I dislike my classes, I also know that in order to move on to a career that I will love, I have to simply put my head down and power through the next couple of years.Â
Now I’m not here to just complain, but sometimes when I see all my friends who love their majors, I have to remind myself not everyone does. My major is the guy who I don’t particularly like, who I don’t want to interact with, yet he hits me up with a “you up?” text every couple of weeks that reminds me he exists. I don’t lie about hating my major when people ask. I tell them straight up that I am thoroughly unhappy with my major at the moment. Often times they’ll ask me why I don’t switch majors then, and I have to explain the whole thing so here we go.
I know where I want to end up. I see it in my head every day and I am determined to get there. I want to spend my days studying the ocean, and diving when I get out of college. I want to work to protect our oceans and marine life, and conserve the few reefs we have left. I know this, and I feel the tug of the ocean on my soul every single day. In order to get there, I need my biology degree. That’s a plain and simple truth. I need my undergrad biology degree so that I can then go on to study marine biology and ecological conservation in grad school. In order to get my undergrad biology degree, I have to take all these classes that I do not like, and honestly I will use maybe one sixth of what I learn in my life. In order to get through those classes, I have to suck it up and just do it. I have to do well in my classes. So, I study the material I hate. I learn the formulas I’m never going to use after this class. I stay up late, and wake up early to study. I skip hanging out with friends to complete the mess of assignments my classes throw at me. I stress over tests and deadlines just like everyone else. I continue to power through because my dreams are bigger than these classes.Â
Outside of my classes, I do stuff that makes me happy and it has nothing to do with my major in order to continue to be happy with my life. I take dance classes that allow me to get out of my head and move my body once a week. I read to escape into a fictional world. I volunteer and work with animals because it makes me happy. I throw myself into my organizations that have nothing to do with my major. Most importantly, I travel to the ocean on breaks. Most school breaks you can find me rolling backwards off a boat into the middle of the Pacific Ocean because it brings me a joy that nothing else can. So if you are like me, I understand. Trust me not everyone is in love with their major, some of us are just trying to get done with it too. If you ever feel like you are the only one who despises their major, I promise you, you’re not alone, and we can get through this.Â