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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

What makes a home, or rather, what makes a room? What brings a living space to life? I never would’ve thought I’d be asking myself these questions, yet here I am, wondering if I should buy an antique-looking grandfather clock at HomeGoods or settle for a digital light up piece at Target. To my utter disbelief (and slight dismay), interior decoration has started to crawl up my list of “things to get a whole lot better at”.

I’m indecisive, to say the least; ask my roommates, they’ve been fortunate enough to witness it on the daily. So when it comes to anything related to making a choice, especially those that might be more permanent, I find myself at a crossroads, stranded in the middle of my swarming, opportunistic thoughts. One can imagine how futile it feels trying to pick from a whole array of color splotches or facing a generous variety of “quintessential” wall art.

But with the semester approaching, I’ve decided it’s time to nip this prolonging frustration in the bud. My current “concern” is my apartment, which I share with three lovely people, who conveniently, all have starkly contrasting taste, a fact we’ve tried our best to accommodate with some measly fairy lights and some twisted leaves hanging sadly in our living room. In short, we could definitely do with some extra… pizazz.

I’m on a mission to “aesthetify” our apartment in the most college-friendly, affordable, and structured way possible. But, how do I even begin? With some purposeful consideration, I’ve settled on several key points to catapult this process into full blown execution. 

  • Draft a budget (let’s be smart about this)
  • For all things taste-related, go based on ~vibes~ (find our aesthetic overlap, if you know what I mean)
  • Check in periodically with the roomies for consensus 
  • Pinterest (no explanation needed)
  • Etsy (ditto)

It might not seem like much, but it’s definitely a start. If this is what it takes to simultaneously treat my chronic indecision and compose a seamless, homely, and cost-efficient living space, then so be it. 

Sarayu Malireddy is a writer for the Her Campus chapter of Texas A&M University. In addition to reviewing books, film, and other entertainment, she dedicates the majority of her pieces to detailing personal and academic experiences. She looks forward to using her writing to capture often-overlooked stories and to highlight marginalized voices within her campus network and local community. Outside of her experience with Her Campus, Sarayu serves as a leading officer of a community service organization and volunteers as a crisis counselor. An avid wellness advocate, she looks forward to engaging in nonprofit initiatives and harnessing advances in multiple fields to improve awareness and outreach of general and mental health care. She has also conducted research in various scientific disciplines, and after receiving a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from TAMU, Sarayu hopes to continue this passion and contribute to advancements in the field of medicine both in professional school and beyond. When she's not browsing for thrillers and 90s rom-coms on Netflix with her roommates, she's probably downing green tea or espresso shots. She adores blasting movie soundtracks during almost any car ride and is always ready for a quick game of table tennis... or normal tennis.