My faith has always played a big role in my life. I was surrounded by knowledge of the Bible since I was a child, but I never truly understood the meaning of following God until now and listening to other testimonies. From all of the testimony’s I have listened to, most involve that one monumental moment in a person’s life that changed how they saw everything. Listening to these testimony’s and knowing how much a person can go through and find God in the end gives me hope. At the same time though, it makes me feel like my relationship with God isn’t enough. I understand that my relationship with God wasn’t one built in extreme conditions that flipped a switch in me. My journey with God was gradual and despite my faith I still sometimes feel that I can’t compare to those people who found God despite everything that pushed against them.
With time I have learned to stop comparing my relationship with God with others. I realized that my faith has as much meaning as I give it. I don’t need to suffer or experience a miracle to strengthen my faith in God. What I need to do is be thankful for what I do have. To be thankful that my relationship with God has been a peaceful one. To know that I am incredibly lucky to be able to grow up in a loving family that didn’t push toxic, religious rhetoric on me, that let me follow God on my own and build up my own interest in learning more about the Bible. I know I’m not perfect and I never will be, but knowing that God will bless my future, that he will stand beside me, and help me grow as a person and be content with all I am so fortunate enough to have is enough for me.