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Anna Schultz-Girl On Computer Stress
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Life > Academics

Sweet Relief: The Ending of My Summer

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

This summer was a lot. And I am so happy that it is finally over.

I know, I know. Shocking.

But I didn’t get to have the carefree summer that I saw posted all over instagram by my peers. Instead I was stuck in College Station, taking a stress-inducing 13 hours and working. Over 10 weeks, I was taking three one-credit science writing courses, anatomy and physiology (with the lab) for a total of four credits, a health terminology course for three credits, and finally a three credit English class. So, summer was not easy and breezy.

College Station can be fun during the school year, I’m not saying it isn’t. But nobody was there besides very few people. And while I knew this when signing up for classes, as I had taken summer classes last year, it doesn’t diminish the feeling of loneliness. Everybody has left town, clubs and orgs aren’t hosting events, and the bars are closed for the most part. 

Take into account that the only in-person classes I took were anatomy and physiology and my English class (in addition I kind of suck at making friends in class).  I felt pretty lonely and isolated. (I’m also not great at reaching out to other people in general). And while I had a few friends in College Station, many were busy. Or I would be busy studying, working, or taking a quick trip up to Houston to see my boyfriend and decompress.

My routine was all out of whack for the summer with my constant trips. Why stay in College Station when I can drive an hour and a half into civilization! (And see my long distance boyfriend, who I knew I would be seeing very little of in the upcoming semester).

All of this cultivated into not doing phenomenal this past semester. I ended up with a 2.916 GPA for the semester, which sadly brought my total GPA down a smidge. Was it an absolutely horrible GPA? No. Could I have done better? Maybe. I probably should not have loaded up on hours like I did, but oh well. I would like to graduate in a somewhat timely manner.

All of this is to say that summer was not an absolute blast. I was itching for the next semester to begin. On the horizon, just out of my reach, I had an easy 12 hours of study abroad in Valencia, Spain.

Howdy! I’m Gabriela Gomez, an avid reader who is interested in all areas of publishing and writing. And reading of course! I’m the Editor-in-Chief; I currently oversee all the publishing of articles for the Her Campus at TAMU chapter. I am overjoyed to read all the members’ articles and make any corrections that will help to elevate the article. I have been with Her Campus at TAMU since my freshman year. The first year I was a general member on the Writing and Editing committee. During that first year, I wrote a total of 23 articles and was always finding new ways to help. For my second year, I worked as the Senior Editor, publishing more than 80 articles and writing 38 articles. Now in my second semester of junior year, I have implemented a new pitch process for better organization and cleanest, I have already published more than 170 articles, and I have written 16 articles and will continue writing more! Besides working as the Editor-in-Chief, I am a dedicated student at Texas A&M studying Biomedical Sciences. I am also obtaining a minor in both English and Spanish. While not studying diligently, I work in a research lab grinding away, trying to get my name on some research papers (fingers crossed). In my free time, I read, obviously. I am also on the hunt for the best latte to ever bless this earth and love a good game of chess!