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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

It’s hard to believe that I am even at the point in my life where I am writing this article. The day that I moved into College Station fresh out of high school feels as if it’s only been a few months. Not two years.

I have experienced so much in my first half of college. I have learned new passions, taken on new roles, lost some relationships, gained some amazing ones, and so much more. Most importantly, I am proudest of the fact that through it all I have stayed true to myself. College is hard, but it is the perfect environment to find yourself as well as all the people, places, and things in life that will make you happy.

So with all of that being said, here is a BRIEF list of key things that I’ve learned in my first two years of college, as well as what I hope to learn in the next.

What I’ve Learned

enroll in classes that bring me Joy while still staying on track

If you’re a TAMU student, or honestly a college student in general, you may understand how stressful registration time is every…single…semester. You want to take fun classes that fit your schedule while also fulfilling your degree requirements. It’s tough work that I don’t think we students get enough credit for figuring out on our own.

One of my biggest goals in college has been to stay on my degree plan while enrolling in meaningful courses. If you know me, you know that one of the BEST classes I’ve had the opportunity to take in my college career was PSYC 300, Psychology of Women, with Dr. Pamela Edens. If you are required any sort of human behavior class at TAMU, I can’t recommend it enough as it seriously changed my entire perspective on life and how I plan to live mine.

But there are so many other fun courses available at TAMU, as well as all universities. There’s music studies, film, dance appreciation, or even workout classes (if you’re into that). By taking the time to really research what all is available to me, I have been able to alleviate a lot of stress while also enjoying a semester-long course.

Take the time to do the things I love with the people I love

This is something that I PRIORITIZE. Some days during the semester can get so lonely, especially once you feel like you’re going through the motions of waking up, in class, working, eating, going to sleep, and repeating. Any time I have a free night that doesn’t involve meetings with my organizations or late-night studying, I always try to make time to do something meaningful with someone who means a lot to me.

Whether it’s attending a basketball game, walking aimlessly around Target, or even meeting up in your favorite coffee shop to do homework together, doing mundane things with a special person makes that time spent even more special. Not only this, but it allows you to escape from any stressors that may be on your mind, which I believe is so important.

Being involved at Texas A&M is the best thing I could have ever done for myself

All universities have great student activities and organizations. But let me just say that, especially at a university like Texas A&M, there is no better decision I have ever made than becoming super involved in student life. Her Campus and my other organizations have allowed me to gain so many new skills. I have grown exponentially in my own confidence and really feel like I have experienced so much personal development because of my involvement.

Student organizations are also the BEST place to meet your new besties. Of course, I have met some of the greatest people on Her Campus. Yet, it was in my early involvement as a freshman that I met the people I now hold closest to my heart. The start of college, as well as the whole experience, is a terrifying time for many, but it is because of those that I met in these clubs that I now feel like I can weather this storm.

What I hope to learn

more in my classes

Part of what has made my college experience so enjoyable has also been my major department. The Bush School of Government and Public Service is such a meaningful college to be a part of at TAMU. I have yet to have a professor who isn’t insanely dedicated and knowledgeable. Although the courses are tough, I leave every semester knowing what I have learned will help me in the future.

With that being said, I am finally at the point where I am taking upper-level courses in my major. This allows me to take more specific classes that focus on topics I am passionate about, such as human rights, climate change, political communications, and more. Although the semester just started, the content I am learning already feels so much more purposeful, and I can’t wait to continue on this journey.

more about the world and the people in it

If you know me, you know that I am a HUGE consumer of all things pop culture. Whether that’s literature, film, or music, I seek to overflow with knowledge of it all.

A goal that I have with my next two years of college is to continue seeking out new information that relates to things that I am passionate about. I want to know who made every movie that is currently in the theater and how it was made. I want to read every book that is on my “To Be Read” list. I want to listen to every new album that comes out on a given release day and compare them all.

I know it may sound meaningless, especially from a full-time college student who probably has better things she should be doing. But this is what I see myself doing for the rest of my life. By consuming and critiquing media, I intend to continue to grow my knowledge in every way I can.

more ways to embrace change

You’re probably tired of hearing it, but seriously, college is a “time of change”. There is no other era in our lives where there will be so much temporary existence in all sectors of life! Whether that’s the classes we’re in, the people we’re around, or the current hyper-fixation song you have this week (had to throw that one in there because it’s so true).

This time in our lives can be so scary. I just turned 20 before the start of the semester, and although I know that is still so young, it really hit me pretty hard. To know that the safety of my teenage years was over terrified me in a way. Yet, it is this change, along with so many others, that I plan to embrace with open arms. Instead of the intimidating word “change”, I plan to refer to the rest of my time in college as “new experiences”. With this goal, as well as with those who I love beside me, there is nothing that could ever stand in my way.

Hannah Morris is a senior political science major and journalism/psychology minor at Texas A&M University. She has been a member of Her Campus at TAMU for 2 years and served as the Public Relations Director for the 2023-2024 school year. Her favorite topics to cover in her articles includes all things film, music and pop culture. Beyond Her Campus, Hannah works as a Student Assistant in TV and Digital Content at KAMU Broadcasting, where she assists at production shoots while also writing and creating content for KAMU Marketing and Communications. Hannah is also a freelance proofreader, with a proofreading and editing certification from the Proofread Anywhere training program. In her free time, Hannah enjoys spending time with her dog, Emmylou. She loves to go on new adventures, read fun books, or attend concerts with friends. She is a music and film connoisseur, and hopes to one day attend law school and work in either industry.